He wouldn't be able to keep his hands off of you(not talking about physical abuse either)
You can tell if a guy is sexually attracted to you by how he treats you. If he is always trying to touch to you and get close, he may be sexually attracted to you.
Uh...the same way you can tell if you are heterosexual. If you are gay you are a male who is sexually/romantically attracted to other males. If you are a lesbian you are a female who is sexually/romantically attracted to other females.
They say Mumma Mia and and smack you on the ass
Means you are sexually and romatically attracted to both males and females.
If you fall in love with and is sexually attracted to both genders you are bisexual.
No, dogs cannot be sexually attracted to humans.
You need to show her the best you can and tell her just how attractive she is to you.
If you are girl who is not [sexually] attracted to guys, but you are [sexually] attracted to girls, then you're a lesbian.
It is not a sin to be sexually attracted to Archangel Michael. A person cannot help who they are attracted too.
You ask him to. Tell him this is something you really like sexually.
It means you could be bisexual.
No it is not right to tell your girlfriend you are sexually attracted to her friends. If in doubt put yourself in her shoes as to how you would feel if she was sexually attracted to all of your male friends. There is nothing wrong with admiring good looking young women, but for you to be acting like a Tom cat peering at all her friends and sexually thinking about them then you need to grow up and concentrate on your girlfriend more or, if you prefer to date several young women then do your girlfriend a favor and break up with her.