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Dont give him/her the cold shoulder, I learned my leason the hard way. Try to tell them that they should leave you alone in a nice way. Ive tryed to ignore them by not taking but is they sit next to you or ask to dont be mean do what you are comfortable with. And if you really hate them just sit and talk to a diffrent friend and try to not make eye contact with the problem.

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Q: How ignore your bad friends?
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Why does friends ignore you and get away with it?

Friends ignore you because, they probably don't like yyou, but that means theyre bad friends so stop being theyre friend

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be yourself and ignore the bad things they say! Just make your own group of friends with people like you. Just ignore them.

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Yes and no, if you ignore him often than it is not. But if you are just talking with your friends than it is bad.

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She is desperate for attention, and if it's from your pals, even better. Just ignore it, if they are true friends, they will think she's wack. Just move on and ignore her.

Am i right to ignore my friend?

If they are a "friend" then why ignore them? Friends don't ignore friends. You're either friends or you are not.If you have an issue and trying to resolve that issue hasn't gotten the result either of you had desired, then it is okay to ignore them.

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You are at your friends house and you have bad breath what do you do?

if your friend is actually your friend they wont comment on it but if they do for some crazy reason ignore it and stay true to yourself

What do you do when people that you wanted to be close friends with ignore you even though you hanged out with them before and still want to be close friends with?

If they ignore you they are not your real friend and if you get close to them they will not be a good friend. Just find new friends who won't ignore you.

How can i ignor the friends i have?

First, why would you want to ignore your friends?! you do that and then you won't have any friends. If you want to ignore them just don't talk to them and if they try to talk with you don't say anything to them. It's pretty easy to ignore people.

What to do when friends ignore you in certain places?

Slap them.

Should you ignore pain?

Yes. No matter how bad it is, ignore it. It will go away.

How do you get friends to make up?

You cannot control anyone, sadly. It's something your friends have to do on their own.You can't get them to make up.And well just ignore them until they really want to talk to you so bad they apologize.