Well try to get to know her a little more. And if you are already friends well jsut ask her out. There is really no way to find out how a person feels about someone else until you just ask them. And if she says no well it is probley because she don't like you or she is not ready for a boyfriend. and there are alot of other girls out there. Good luck!!.
She'll probably pick on you, call you harmless little names. It's just her way of getting your attention.
If you want to know anything about females just ask them or ask their friends.
He tells her
Well im a girl so would call him or tell him in person i like him..... and see what he says
only if he is mature enough to let her know he likes her
take things slow, enjoy each others company just hanging out. you have plenty of time to start actually dating. when youre older ! :)
ask her its the only sure way to know
She'll most likey be really flirty
you know that a 13 year old boy lieks yo uis by him always bugging you and if he touchs you really weirdly like near your ya know its by your thigh, just give up on him if he does that, if he akways stares at you he likes you good luck girl! -GIRL POWER
stalk him. but dont be creepy just hangout inside his closet.
feelings change along with the girls mind and the way she sees you now
If the guy talks to you, and seems to like be around you. He likes you. If he has physical contact with you, like touching your arm or gives you hugs, he likes you. If he smiles a lot when he is around you, he likes you.