You should NEVER let him get it pierced with a piercing gun. They're the bane of the piercing world: Horribly unsafe, horribly damaging, and could even give you hepatitus or HIV ( All good piercers know that. Now, regarding SAFE piercings done by a real piercer... It's up to you :) I have 24 piercings and love body modification but it is my personal opinion that kids and young teens aren't old enough to make decisions about major things like tattoos or non-standard piercings. I'd let my kids get regular ear piercings (at a real piercer) but would make them wait til they were 16 for other stuff.
The first rule of piercings is: Keep it healthy. Keep it clean.
If your son (OR daughter for that matter) is not yet ready to take care of a new piercing as though it is a puncture wound (because that's exactly what it is), then they're not ready to have the jewelry.
It's been a rite of passage for centuries for a good reason.
As far as the cultural mores and norms and stipulations and other hang-ups go--
they're different from culture to culture, from generation to generation, from region to region, and from individual to individual. For some, piercings mark a point in one's life where he or she learned something or an important event changed him or her. For others, it's just a pretentious fashion statement or an effort to fit into a social clique. For most, it's a combination of the two.
This is NOT true.
I have loads of piercings, the gun should ONLY be used in the ear lobes.
And if you look after a piercing properly there is no danger what so ever. [To whomever wrote this: No, piercing guns are NOT okay. For ANYthing. Ever. Please read what's at the link I posted... I'm glad your piercings worked out but "I did it and it was okay for me" is TERRIBLE evidence that something is okay! The two biggest piercing organizations -- BMEzine and the Association of Professional Piercers -- have official statements saying how terrible they are, and so does the CDC (Center for Disease Control). It is NOT possible to sterilize them properly, they cause terrible damage, and the studs don't allow for proper healing. They were designed for tagging the ears of cattle...]
At most placed they should allow it with your parent.
A Blog is a page where you can express your feglines and your opinions. A blog is different from a website because you can share your thoughts and opinions in a regular website.Answer:It's not illegal but it is illegal to claim it is yours. If you look at youtube videos for instance there's an option to allow embed or not so it's the uploaders choice whether to allow it or not.
No one "should" get their ear pierced; it's not a medically necessary procedure, and is purely a matter of fashion, culture, and taste and/or the lack thereof.My youngest child is over 21 now, so I'm thankfully unaware of cultural mores among pubescent boys, but I really can't think of a single reason a 13 year old boy should be allowed to get his ears pierced. If his parents want to allow it, it's their business; if they don't, I'm fine with that too.
The people that live in a territory should choose whether to allow slavery or not
This will depend on whether you already have your ticket or not. You should allow 30 minutes as an absolute minimum.
Lincoln argued that it was wrong to decide whether to allow slavery in a state or territory by voting
Consumers to discuss their opinions about products
It means Zoos allow us to express our opinions to them for ideas to make the zoo improve. May
Depends how the bankruptcy was set up and whether the car was listed. There should be some consideration in that case as to whether you can make the payments, or not.
a disagreement between slave state and free states over whether slaves should be counted as part of the population
The barbell has to be longer to allow the tongue to swell, failure to allow for room can result in the barbell being pulled into the piercing and requiring surgical intervention to remove it from the tongue.
Whenever it suits you. (or your parents ,if you live with them ,allow you to)! Most people get theirs when they are babies so theres not to young an age and some shops over student discounts on ear peircing so there's not oo high an age!