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Q: What do i do if a black guy likes me but I am scared to date him?
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If a guy likes you but you're scared to talk to him would he lose interest?

simple.... if the guy likes you and he's got feelings to you, he would'nt lose his interest to you,,, in a date just talk to him happiliy and importantly, be yourself

What if you like a guy that you know likes you but you are to scared to ask him out?

Can you hang around in the same group as him? Meeting up but not having the pressure of a date.

Why doesn't the guy you like talk to you when he likes you too?

because he is scared and embarrassed

I like this guy who has a brother and best friend that said to me that he likes me do you think he really does?

The only way to find out if he likes you is to ask him and don't be scared. The only way to find out if he likes you is to ask him and don't be scared.

What does it mean if you ask a guy a guy if he likes you and he says i cant answer that question?

Well, if when you ask a guy is he likes you and he avoids answering, it can mean two things. # He is embarassed to admit it, and could be shy about the whole matter. # He doesn't want to hurt your feelings by saying no.

What do you do if your too scared to ask a guy out because you think they will laugh?

you can have a friend ask him if he likes you and if he likes you then you can give him hints that you want him to ask you out.

Would a black guy date a Mexican woman?

Yes, a Black Guy would date a Mexican Woman.

A guy likes me but doesnt want to why?

hes scared of wat others think. try talking to him

Why do you get scared when you like a guy and then find out he likes you?

Its usually being nervous, unsure of what to do or what he will say next.

What should you do if you and your friend like the same guy and the guy you both like likes you?

Date him.

How do you control your face from turning red when talking to the guy that you have a huge crush on and you think he likes you too?

try by not being scared , ask him if he likes you

Why doesn't the guy you like make a move even though he likes you too?

Maybe he's scared.