He doesn't like you. He may like various aspects of your physical appearance. He may just have spent enough time with you to have reached the inevitable moment of, "I wonder what that would be like?" He is wondering, perhaps, about screwing you. Do not confuse this state with him, "liking YOU." Men are not women. If they are playing cat and mouse about liking or not liking you, which is interpreted by me as, attraction, then he is probably gay and avoiding telling you or others, or he has dark motives he is trying to avoid being tempted into fulfilling; i.e., he is your husband's brother, best friend, grandfather, grandson.
When a man is attracted to a woman, he does not ever make an excuse, let alone, lie about it.
Lose the failed wisdom of, "He pulls your hair because he likes you." No. He pulls your hair because he is mean. If he was attracted to you, I would not be answering this question for you.
I think you should take his word for it. Plus, boys at certain ages just aren't really smart and they don't know what they want. I don't know if you like this boy or not, but he isn't the only boy out there. There are many MANY many boys out there that would love to meet you, you just haven't met them yet. Just give it some time. Here's a lovely quote: "Whether you're Clark Kent or Marian the Librarian, there's someone out there that dreams of unbuttoning you"
if she looks at you with a smiling face, probably she does. but if she looks at you with an angry face she probably doesnt like you.
He says her hair looks like a haystack but he likes it.
Well either she doesnt like you or she doesnt want to admit to her friends that she likes you. Try talking to her away from her friends. If she is really friendly she does like you. If she is distant or tries to get away from you fast then you know she doesnt like you.
If you two are go friends, Then go ahead and ask him who he likes. If he says nobody or you then go ahead and tell him that you like him.
yah if he doesnt "HATE" you then he likes you both as friends so dont get to sad about it ok ;D
when he treats you like the only girl in the wold!when he doesnt act fake!when hes with you..you can tell he wants to be!when he looks you in the eyes and says in so happy to be with you and means it!whos just there for you no matter what!
Possibly. Give him a chance--there might be a specific reason he would like to be with his friends.
girls are hard to get and it also depends on why she doesnt like you. maybe you offended her or maybe she is just confussed. ask her ahy she doesnt like you and if she doesnt answer ask her friends.
even if you figure out that he likes you then, you still have to wait for him to ask you out...so don't worry about it until he asks you out...
Have a friend ask her 4 u.........Act like u like her and if she says eeewwww get away she doesnt like you but if she plays it cool and doesnt say anything and kind of looks at u cutly then she does if u have any more questions e-mail me at kljlb@fuse.net
he likes you
you should follow your own heart dont listen but if she is a trouble maker you should listen