YOU MIGHT WANT TO IF OUT WHAT THEY REALLY KNOW AND TRY TO EXPLANE IT IN YOUR OWN WORDS. I HAVE FOUR GIRLS AND MY OLDEST 10. IS COMING HOME WITH ALL KINDS OF NEW WORDS AND QUESTIONS, HOWEVER SHE USALLY DOES NOT KNOW WHAT THEY MEAN. SO MY THOUGHT IS I WOULD RATHER TELL HER ABOUT THESE THINGS , RATHER THAN HER GETTING THEM FROM SCHOOL. I TELL HER SHE CAN ALLWAYES ASK ..I THINK COMMUNICATION IS THE MOST IMPORTANT PART AND LETTING THEM NOW WHAT IS APPROPRIATE AND WHAT IS NOT. talk to them about the goods and the bads of sex they can't possibly know more than you the parent because they have never experienced they may know the details of what takes place but they don't know much about it so just explain why and when you should have sex and let them know that it is a very serious situation and that not just anybody does it certain people do it and just let them know that they're not supposed to do it yet. Talk to them is all I can tell you and don't go into details with them about your sex life or someone elses sex life just talk to them about stuff they know heck I don't know
The Head Start program is a federal program in the United States for children in low-income families.
two children if your talking about Pieter Bruegel the ELDER no children if your talking about Pieter Bruegel the Younger
It is good for children to start school at a young age because there mental development is very rapid while development in older children is less .
Biting and clawing is a greater hazard to young children than infectious disease when talking about Badgers.
depends on which country you are talking about.
children have to start reading at a young age, because reading will help their grammatic, and language skills when they start school.
If your talking about vSide the game, then no, it is not a virus. It is completley safe. Only this game is not for young children.
yes practice makes perfect
All-star levels allow children as young as 3 to compete.
To entertain young children and adults of all ages as tv would not be the same with out spongebob !!!
That is called baby talk or parentese. It is a form of communication characterized by a higher pitch, simplified vocabulary, and exaggerated intonation that is often used when talking to babies or young children.
It depends on the gender.If you are talking about a young male,then its νέος (neos)If you are talking about a young female,then its νέα (nea)If you are talking about a thing or an animal,then its νέο (neo)