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1y ago

When a guy gives you a nickname like "Cookies," it could mean that he finds you sweet, endearing, or charming. It can also suggest a sense of familiarity or affection. However, it's essential to consider the context and the nature of your relationship with him to determine the exact meaning behind the nickname.

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Q: What does it mean when a guy decides to give you a nickname like Cookies?
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i don't think she has one like you can't make your own up like i like the name ryan so i say it's my nickname but it not her parents had to give it to her! so i say she has no nickname. from directioner girl Styles

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Tell them you don't like the nickname. If they are truly friends they will stop and if they aren't maybe you need to find new friends. Give yourself a new nickname and tell them you want them to use it from now on.

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no , he likes it when you give him cookies he only gets them once a year , haha .

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I prefer oatmeal cookies instead, because they are sweeter and moist. Yes. I like chocolate chip cookies, but I like chocolate chip oatmeal cookies even better!

Does Obama like cookies?

Yes he probably loves cookies!!