It probably means that they talk a lot about a guy to their friend. Maybe they want to talk about someone. maybe someone's actions amuse them. Please check your spelling and grammar before posting a question. It should read as follows: "What does it mean when you talk a lot about a guy to a friend?"
Maybe they think you cute, or maybe they want to meet and talk to you.
Nothing. He is a nice guy.
Talk about it.
When he stares at you a lot, but can't actually walk up to you and talk.
my best guy friend does tht all the time! he used to like me and we still txt the same amount sooo he likes u or he just needs someone to talk to...
how he lookes at you!!!!!!!!!!!! you girls are hopless i mean i am a guy and when a guy compliments you and lookes at you a lot he likes you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Think of him as a friend, or as if you've already met him, it will make it a whole lot easier!
It doesn't mean anything. Don't worry about it.
Usually when you catch a guy looking at you and smiling it's because he might like you!! If he's a shy guy, then he might be too scared/nervous to talk to you and sticks to smiling and looking your way. If you have the courage go and talk to him!! :) if not, then you can make a friend introduce you guys! Good luck!
Yes, of course! Just because a guy is dating someone, doesn't mean that they can't talk to other women. As long as the guy doesn't spend a lot of time with her, meaning, most of his time with the friend and not the girlfriend. If he does, that's when the girlfriend should get a little suspicious.
If you're not accquainted with him so much, he is probably shy to start conversations with you in school (if he's a shy guy), or he just feels more comfortable texting you and it is easier for him to talk to you and bring up conversatons.
keep your conversations short and use the word friend a lot. An example would be, " I like that you are such a good friend, and I can talk to you about this thing"