He still likes you he's just stayin distant from you because either, he knows he cant have you, or because he doesn't want to get hurt or hurt you. Its only because he cares about you(:
No he doesnt yet because he hasn't really began he career yet he will later on in his career
Because he wants to make a good first impression but later on doesnt really care! xx
Some are, if you like them. But its better to meet them later on if you are really close. If you don't feel that comfortable, just tell them that.
Ask her/him later, why he ignored you. Tell him/her you don't appreciated being ignored because that person is with someone else.
When you close an account you cancel the account, you delete it, if you close an account it won't be there later!!
well , he didnt say straight up that he doesnt like you so that can be a good sign. Just stick to being really close and let him know you will always be there for him and when him and his girlfriend break up he will appreciate that you stuck with him . but then again it could just be his polite way of saying he isnt interested. It all depends my ex would say that , but he did still have something for me . And if he doesnt want you its his mistake that he will regret later ..ps: remember guys get jealous easily , you can use that as an advantage.
Im in sixth grade and all i can tell you is act yourself, If he doesnt like you then he doesnt like you, If he likes you the way you are then great, All i can say is if this guy doesnt like you he might later on but if he still doesnt like you the way you are later on, Dont change yourself theres more than one guy in this world.
Why are asking that question. dude later on in the game u get him he doesnt do anything.
It doesnt evolve. It evolves into Rhyperior in the later generation games
There is this thing that is not a tongue ring, but it's plastic and you can't really see it when it is in. Idk if there are places that sell them. If not, you could get one from a tattoo/ peircing parlor, I'm pretty sure. == == You can buy glass or acrylic retainers that will hold the piercings shape and allow a normal barbell to be inserted at a later time.