The effects of verbal abuse (also known as emotional abuse) are dependent on many factors, including the child him/herself, the manner in which the child was verbally abused (ridicule, with anger, mocking, if it was accompanied by physical or sexual abuse, etc.), what was typically said to the child, how long the abuse went on and when it started, whether or not it was done publicly, who did the abusing and the relationship of that person to the child (mother, father, sibling, etc.), what type of help the adult/child received regarding the abuse endured, plus a host other factors. Effects can range from withdrawal to depression to self harm to suicidal tendencies or suicide ideation. For more information about emotional abuse, in particular, "rejecting", and for some statistics on how emotional abuse impacts, see the link below.
Many children have grown up abusing their parents. Usually it is a learned trait that has been taught by one of the parents. If a husband abuses his wife verbally or physically then there is the chance that the child will grow up with these same traits. They may exhibit this on one of their parents or on their own wife or husband when they marry. If you are being physically abused then call your local Department of Social Services or 911. No one deserves to be abused verbally or phuysically.
The child is grown, and knows what the husband is like. Trust your child to do the right thing.
no but you can give money to them
Panda123kool:The cause of the child's death after birth could be if the child isn't full grown. It could have a disease or also just not be able to breathe! Sometimes death happens for te child even it it is perfectly healthy.
No, they have to be told.
It would take you 2 seasons. Also, your child will always look like the same throughout, but would be considered as a grown child.
The obligor (generally, the State and/or the custodial parent).
It will get dry
For starters, go see your doctor
The goddess Aphrodite was born fully grown out of the sea. So, she was never a child.
The child's wisdom teeth won't have grown yet
No, he grown into a grown man who throws appleseeds to the ground to grow some apple trees