There are a few prerequisites to obtaining an Austrian citizenship. As a spouse of an Austrian, one can apply for citizenship after 5 years of marriage and 6 years of uninterrupted residence in Austria.
Do check out this website:-
There is no procedure. There are ways... get married to US Citizen, get company to sponser you and then apply for citizenship... sorry no procedure.
In Amadeus it is possible to break married segments for an airline. For Austrian Airline, sell the married segment then sell another segment that you want to add on.
Not automatically. After being married to a US citizen for two years the legal foreign national spouse can apply for citizenship. Visit the United States Citizenship and Immigration Service website for specific information.
yes.the new constitution allows one to have dual citizenship
Citizenship does not affect your ability to get married, only where you can live.
Yes they retain citizenship.
Depends. The first option is naturalization if the non-EU national has no EU ancestry/descent/origin. - Have a clean criminal record - Be over 18 years of age - Be married a minimum of 3 years - Speak Greek fluently - Live in Greece for 3-7 years It takes years for these applications to be examined and processed. You can read all about it here, in which the process is detailed from beginning to end: "Greek citizenship by naturalization" The second option is to claim citizenship through an ancestor born in an EU country, if applicable. - Often no language requirement - Often no fee - Often no residency requirements, in fact one can apply outside the country at a consulate or embassy - Doesn't matter who you are married to You can read all about it here: "How to get EU citizenship by ancestry or naturalization"
Yes. The way it works is, you have to get married and stay married until the proccesse is competed. The proccess is completed when the INS gives you your green card for about ten years and then you apply for a citizenship after you got your green card.
Yes, through the same procedure as a married couple. For the purposes of immigration, a civil union is treated the same as a legal marriage.
If they get suspicious that this was a phony marriage, they can do that. If you can, it is recommended to wait for a while after you receive your citizenship certificate
You need to get married to a Canadian citizen or apply for a Canadian Visa to get the citizenship of Canada.