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Women are attracted to interesting men. Interesting may be defined in many ways, and is most likely subject to which type of female you are talking about, and what end they seek. To be sure, there is no absolute pinnacle of desire; there are many different types of men that are equally interesting in their own way. If the reader seeks to become more interesting, he must first determine what kind of female he finds interesting, and become an object of interest to that type. It requires a bit more than deciding to pursue some chick just "because she's hot." This is the means to the end. He must also determine what this end might be. Marriage, long term non-committed relationship, sex, whatever. Be sure to convey this end at some point while still getting to know her. For every end, there is a corresponding means; no one path leads to every destination. I will not attempt here to discuss every end and the corresponding means to each end, nor the infinite variables upon which success is contingent in every type of male and female.

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i think what girls like most about boys are the boys looks

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Q: What do most women find attractive in a man?
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Of course. Education is a sense of stability. And a man that knows what he's talking about is very attractive.

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Each woman is different. We aren't made from a computer code.

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in a white man they find a slim bodie and no hair in a back man perky bum and nice hair and good dress sence for all

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For me its his eyes and his facial features

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I dont know about all women but most will agree with me when I say that eyes and lips are the most attractive featureson a man. Some would also add biceps and abs to that though

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Obviously, I would think most women would be sexually attracted to a man who respects them! A feminist is someone who believes in gender equality, it doesn't stop someone being sexually attractive.

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in roadies Answer I think it depends on the man himself. Some women prefer the white collar professions while others prefer the blue collar. To me, it all has to do with the man himself and it doesn't matter what he does as long as he is doing his best in whatever he does.

Why do white women find black men attractive?

Well as a black man that has dated white women both domestically and internationally i think it's just human nature to find the opposite and same sex attractive. Regardless of color...and they are known to have huge dicks!