

Best Answer
  • There are many people that feel as you do and I've experienced it myself. Some people can go through life with the odd little bump in the road, but others of us may have a lot of problems dumped on us one right after the other and we hardly get a chance to catch our breath. Depression in college students is extremely high because many study hard, work one, two or more jobs and eventually they find they are burning the candle at both ends. It can seem like our feet have lead weights on them and we can hardly take one more step. The good news is, this feeling doesn't have to last forever. I've learned that although getting through some things in my life there is always a solution to every problem. No one is really trapped in a situation unless they wish to be trapped in it. Well over 90% of Americans and Canadians have or will suffer from depression and psychologists practices zoomed up after 9/11. Our world is fast paced, and often we watch too much of the Media and only hear bad news and never good news. Believe it or not there are some wonderful people out in this world and a whole lot of good news. Even within ourselves we can each make a difference for positive things in life to help others. SIGNS OF DEPRESSION: Lethargic (not wanting to do anything and feeling drained 24 hours a day). Either eating too much or not eating at all. Not wanting to see family or friends (hiding out.) Not finding enjoyment in the things you use to find enjoyment in. Can't concentrate at school or at work. Sleeping too much (an escape) or too little. Drinking too much or doing drugs when you never use to do it before or, at least did it moderately, but now it has become a problem. If you have at least two of these symptoms please see your doctor. They will assess you and there are good medications to help with depression. Usually the person is put on a short-term dose of these medications and often only once do they need to be on an antidepressant.
  • I have seen many persons due to the health problem they feel depressed and they go for some of the serious endings. It is necessary to keep the health in a good manner, which helps to build the confidence and makes more energetic in life. The best diabetic diet is the one to follow by the person who are affected by Diabetes.
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Q: What should someone do when they feel as if they just can't go on anymore?
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What can you do if you feel that you just cant take anymore?

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