Talk to someone. Write your thoughts down. Go to the doctor for depression.
I feel like someone should really fix it because people can NOT live like that anymore.
If you feel like you can't trust anyone, you should get counseling or therapy.
Someone with paralysis ?
It sounds like his way of saying that he doesn't want to be with you anymore but he cant tell you to your face that he is just not into you anymore.
until you cant feel it moving anymore
just tell them you dont feel comfortable with the things they say and you need them to stop because you cant be around someone like that.
if you don't feel happy with him explain that to him and you dont want to be with someone you don't find attractive
if your friend really likes you then you should feel the same way and if your friend acts really mean to you he/she does not want to be your friend so you wouldn't want to be his/her friend.
i doubt it there should be a fetus anymore.
You cant make someone feel the same way as you, you can try to be what he wants.
Dont stop no mater what even if you feel a tingle just go all the way until you cant do it anymore