I dont know what the question is kinda, but if I were u I would go to the girl and discuss things out. But if you like her and she doesn't know, maybe leave a note or something saying "fix Ur hair" or whatevr.
So ya.....
Not all girls are the same, some likes personality thers prefer looks.. i like a mixture of both A lot of girls would base it all on looks at first, however when she gets to know you better personality is what she'll dump you for or love you for.
Looks aren't everything, maybe you have a stuck up personality, and the other girl has a out-going, and friendly personality... personality can make you prettier.
Than make yourself pretty, girls have a far advantage of making themselves better looking that guys do. And also, looks aren't everything. Having a great personality is the most important key to have, because guys will overlook your physical qualities regardless. Love's weird, isn't it?? ;) And remember, some guys go for looks only and not for personality. Go for someone that likes you for the way who you are, not what you are.
He likes your looks.
sometimes guys punch you in the arm not a hard violent punch a little love tap!
well dear some guys look past looks and maybe he likes your personality take it from somone who has been through it trust me, so good luck! :) !!
unfortunately, some girls judge guys on their looks. But the good thing is that most girls can see past looks +, everyone likes different looks, like I like guys with brown hair and my friend likes red hair, my friend only likes guys with six packs whereas I dont really care. The thing is that if girls cant see past looks, they dont deserve you :)
This may seem really low, but I mean it as in personality and looks. Whenever a guy likes me, they have one or the other. At the moment there are two guys that have feelings for me, one with a good personality but not that good looks and one with great looks but a horrible personality. It's really irritating me because it's happened so many times before, and most of my friends have a partner with both these traits. It makes me feel sad to the point where I want to cry because I feel like no one will ever love me like that.
looks like someone likes you!!!!
Depends on the guy, guys are usually first attracted to a girl by looks, so its whatever the guy finds attractive in girls. when you like somebody after a little while it goes beyond looks and depends on a personality
not really. some good looks are good, but i focus on personality
depends....but most guys are idiots and only care about the size of girl's bb. edit: well (this is from a guy (and different person from above)) and guys care about the whole package. LOOKS HELP but personality, kindness and other aspects are needed too. some people with no good looks get guys because there nice. no guy wants a girl with no personality.