-Say what you would have said if you had got through to her,preferably in a shorter version.-Then wish her well/a pleasant day or night.
-Hang up.
Phone calls should be used for practical purposes so treat it like any other call, if you were calling just to say soppy stuff, then it's a good idea to not leave a voicemail and just ring back another time; soppy voicemails can sometimes come off a little creepy and cheesy, even annoying if they're done badly and/or frequently.
If you can't think of anything to say when it gets to voicemail, then don't leave one, just call later/another time or wait for her to call you back whenever.
Don't put too much thought into it my friend.
Well she is a little nervous etheir to tell you that she feels the same way or she needs to let you down easy. Also E-mail is THE WORSE way to confront people people like actually hearing your voice when you say something like that. SO say it in person or on the phone or dont say it at all.
Make your voice high and say stuff like THIS! to a GUY! "Your Hot=)" chuck Norris roundhouse kicks you in the throat and make your voice higher Don't exaggerate the pitch. Find a recording of a girl talking that you want to sound like, and practice imitating it. When you can easily copy the words, work on different words with the same tone and voice quality. This should help you talk like a girl.
In your list of contacts one should be voice mail 171. Call it and listen to what it tells you. Press the button that it says to set up your voice mail, say your greeting and press the # key. If that doesn't work try calling Customer Care
he is a boy aka his voice well his looks say otherwise.
You can say "J'aime ta voix" in French to tell someone you like their voice.
Just get your vocal box ready and it depends if its a girl or boy but just say your name and the voice get your speech then walla
you say it like this:do you still like that girl? how do you not no how to say that? you just typed it.
Waylon Jennings has a song like that. The lyrics say something to the effect: She don't like the drugs I take.
Well i am a girl and you should just go up to her and tell her that you like her that's what we like promise.Well if she talks to you in a high voice that means that she doesn't know what to say to you and she is scared to talk to you.
People don't like Tails because "they" say that he is a "fag". That is because a girl plays his voice. They also don't like him because "they" say he is gay for Sonic. (But I don't believe them. I really do like Tails.)
well act as if you sont care. smile at her every now and then. ask for her e-mail and say hi and all that. if your friend is dating the girl you like tag along with them. dude my best friend liked a girl a liked and i tatally ditched him but he his still my friend. LOL
First you have to ask if she likes you. Ask her through Facebook or hot mail and stuff she will say if she likes you. If she does take your chance and say you like her too! Trust me it will work!