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I think sometimes speaking for myself I felt guilt once I figured out his tactics because I felt in some sense I had ruined all he had which were these tactics. I knew he was deep down a weak man and I had revealed that by confronting him on his maniuplative tactics. I even told him he wasnt very good at it as he was too transparent. I do not suggest that!I think we know these types are pathetic and once we have stripped away who they are (which is based on deceit and games) we feel a little bad because we have exposed them. Most decent people don't enjoy seeing people suffer. Also there is the pity we can feel as we realise they are so small.Do not feel guilty too long. Realise you are reacting to circumstances which are craymaking and unpredictable. No person can function healthy in that. Survival instincts come into play and sometimes they are not healthy but they somehow pull us through, or least allow us to think they do.I think you should take a hard look at your situation. Do not look at why. Look at how you feel and what this is doing to you. Then start taking action to get out of the nightmare of being with a Narcassist.

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Q: Why do you feel so guilty if you happen to lose your temper when challenging your narcissistict spouse about a tactic he has been using on you?
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