The conflict in "The Man of the House" revolves around the protagonist, Elizabeth's, internal struggle to balance her expected duties as a woman and her desire for independence and agency in a patriarchal society. This conflict is heightened when Elizabeth's father falls ill, forcing her to challenge societal norms and assert her own capabilities as the head of the household.
Man vs Man Conflict
Lucy doesnt know if she married the right man Frank or Charley
A conflict is a problem that helps move a story along.the conflict in the story is the problem that happens in the story
Man Vs. Man
A Man of the People - short story - was created in 1995.
Footnote to Youth is a short story by Jose Garcia Villa. The conflict in the plot comes when the two main characters, Dodong and Teang, decide to marry at a very young age.
Man vs nature
A Man Called Horse - short story - was created in 1950.
It is a short story about a man named Carl Adams who is about to commit suicide.
The conflict in "Wild Horses" by Brian Fawcett revolves around the protagonist's struggle with their desire for freedom and independence conflicting with the constraints and responsibilities of their domestic life. The wild horses in the story symbolize this longing for freedom, highlighting the tension between societal expectations and personal desires.
Graham Greene's "The Destructors" about teenagers destroying an old man's house.