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this is called vertical angles

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Q: Two nonadjacent angles formed by two intersecting lines are what kind of angle?
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Two nonadjacent angles formed by two intersecting lines are.....angle.?

Vertical Angles or 4

What type of angle pair is defined as nonadjacent angles formed by two intersecting lines?

Opposite angles.

Two nonadjacent angles formed by two intersecting line are called?

Two angles that aren't adjacent but are formed by intersecting lines are called vertical angles. Their angle measures are always equal.

These are also called opposite angles they are nonadjacent angles formed by intersecting lines?

Vertical angle (I think? I'm doing homework)

What refers to one of the rays that form an angle?

A side refers to one of the rays that form an angle. Vertical are also called opposite angles. They are nonadjacent angles formed by intersecting lines.

What is a angle are pairs of opposite and congruent angles formed by intersecting lines?

Vertical angles

What angle are pairs of opposite and congruent angles formed by intersecting lines?

Corgent Angles

What is a non-adjacent angle formed by intersecting lines?

A pair of intersecting lines form adjacent and opposite angles. So the answer to the question is an opposite angle.

Angles formed by intersecting lines?

When lines intersect, angle formed between them is Θ or 180-Θ.

What angle is two pairs of opposite and congruent angles formed by intersecting lines?

Such angles are called vertically opposite angles.

The measure of the angle formed by two intersecting perpindicular lines is 90 degrees?

Actually there are 4 angles formed by 2 intersecting lines, and as long as the lines are PERPENDICULAR, the angles are all right angles, 90 degree each.

What do you call the 2 nonadjacent angles to an exterior angle of a triangle?

Remote interior angles.