Yes, if you put a lot of salad dressing on it. Yes, if you eat it without salad dressing but eat a whole lot of it all the time. No, if you only eat a normal-sized salad three times a day. But that is just plain unhealthy, because you don't get any protein. Eat salads wisely -- light on the dressing with just a small handful of "extras" like meats or nuts to keep the calorie count from rising into the stratosphere.
Salads can be a very healthy way to lose weight if they contain the correct ingredients, however it is usually the salad dressing that will cause a salad to go way over the calorie and fat limit. There are many dressings now that contain ingredients that help with weight loss. (ie olive oil, vinegars, greek yogurt, etc.) Considering a healthier way of eating will help you in your weight loss efforts. If you want loss weight quikly I recommend you a very good source
Probably not. Especially not if you are using the salad's dressing. Eating a food will not make you lose weight, but eating the right food will lessen the weight you gain. Exercise will help you lose weight.
Not necessarily, as eating healthily can only counteract eating an appropriate portion, if you still eat 4,000 calories worth of salad, then you still won't lose any weight.
no! that's unhealthy and could end up making your gain weight
while you are eating better you're still eating too much. the average person needs only 2000 calories to maintain their weight. if you're getting over that and not burning them off you'll gain weight. for every 3500 extra calories you gain one pound of fat.
No! The only this tha can happen is to gain weight as they are verry fatty!
Potatoes are nutritious but they could lead to weight gain. They are high in carbohydrates. That being said, they should only be eaten to fulfill the daily value of nutritional recommendation.
Yes it does. A full box of wheat thins equals alot of calories which equals weight gain. Unless that is the only thing you are eating all day. Make the calories you eat equal the calories you burn everyday and you will remain the same weight. No particular food causes weight gain, it's just when you eat too much of it, it means you are probably eating more calories then you are burning that day!
Depending on the type of salad you're eating, you not only get fiber but you get various amounts of vitamins and minerals which are essential to your health!
eating the right way like eating a salad only eating junk food once in a while
There are a few types of binge-eating. The common ones are.... *Compulsive Over-Eating *Emotional Binge Eating *Orthorexia (complusive / excessive eating of only healthy and natural foods) *Bulimia (bingeing, and then purging afterwards so as not to gain weight)
It depends on what you eat, but yes, you will gain more weight. The only way you can burn off calories is doing physical activity and dieting-DON'T TRY DIET PILLS! they don't work at all!
The only way that will happen is if you gain a lot of weight by eating these things. There is no magical formula.