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In short yes and no. The food you eat does directly affect any taste associated with semen. People who eat more fruits and veggies will have a sweeter taste while people who eat more meat will have a bitter taste. The exception is asparagus. This veggie will result in a very unpleasant taste.

However, to change your taste you must eat a consistent diet. Just eating some pineapple will have little effect on the taste.

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13y ago
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15y ago

no it tastes likee

something salty..

depends on what the guy eats


That person didn't read the question very clearly.

Pineapple has a ton of natural sugars in it, so drinking Pineapple Juice or eating pineapple will make your semen taste more sweet. It will not taste like pineapple though.

If your setting out to make your splooge taste better, than avoid any meats, and anything with a high sulfur content (like garlic) and avoid dairy products. Meat will make it bitter, garlic salty, etc etc. Pineapple is reportedly the best for making it tasty and delicious.

It takes 12-24 hours for it to be digested and completely alter the taste, so a fruit fast the day before a BJ is great.

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12y ago

Yes, drink lots of it. Pineapple Pizza works, too.
Yes! It is true that such a juice acts as one of the most effective ways of improving the taste of your ejaculate!

Yes they say so but you have to drink it/eat it for 2 days and this only works on men.

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13y ago

Yes! It is true that such a juice acts as one of the most effective ways of improving the taste of your ejaculate!

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12y ago

Semen doesn't taste good anyhoo. Pineapple juice tastes better without semen.

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Q: Does eating pineapple sweeten the taste of semen?
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What makes semen taste good?

Pineapple or anything with natural sugar in it. Which is most fruits.

How long before taste of semen changes by drinking pineapple juice?

You have to drink it/eat it for 2 days.

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Why don't you try for yourself?

What to take to make semen taste sweet?

Eating foods that are high in natural sugars, such as fruits like pineapple, kiwi, and cranberries, can help improve the taste of semen. Drinking plenty of water to stay hydrated can also help make semen taste sweeter. Additionally, avoiding foods that are known to make semen taste bitter or unpleasant, such as garlic, onions, and some meats, can make a difference.

How much pineapple juice to make semen taste good?

First you have to ejaculate the semen already in your system. Then drink a glass or two of pineapple juice a day for a week. There will be a noticeable difference. For improved results, include more fruit in your diet throughout the day.

How the taste of semen can be changed?

1.) Smoking cigarettes or marijuana and drinking alcohol will give the secretions a bitter taste. 2.) Eating red meats, asparagus, broccoli, spinach and some vitamins will give secretions a sharp or salty taste. The presence of sperm in the semen will also give the semen a sharper taste. 3.) Dairy products, such as milk and cheese will also give secretions a salty flavor. 4.) Eating only vegetables (except those from the cabbage family, ie: cauliflower, broccoli or asparagus) especially celery will give secretions a more mild flavor. The absence of sperm in the semen will make the taste more mild. 5.) Eating parsley, wheatgrass and celery have a high chlorophyll content which will make secretions sweeter. 6.) Spicing foods with cinnamon, cardamom, peppermint and lemon will also make secretions taste sweeter. 7.) Eating fruit, especially pineapple, papaya, cranberry, melons, mangos, apples and grapes also can sweeten the flavor of secretions. Their high sugar content can also offset the bitter tastes caused by smoking or drinking.

Does semen taste of milk?

The taste or flavour of semen can be highly affected by the diet of the male providing it. Alcohol, greasy or fatty foods, spices, etc can make semen taste 'bad' - while fruit juices and sweet things can make it taste 'better', depending on your personal preferences. Pineapple juice is highly recommended to improve the normally bleachy, slightly salty taste of semen, or so I've been told.

What foods affect the taste of semen?

No scientific basis for my answer; but back in the day, a Chef that I worked with in a kitchen told me one time that celerywould make my "sperms taste sweet". I never had the balls to ask all of those waitresses to confirm this.

Does your semen get a sweeter taste if you become a vegetarian?

i dont know if it will taste sweeter but it will make you healther and it might taste sweeter eat alot of pineapple this will do the trick. It probably depends on the person, but semen seems to have a less bitter, more mild taste among vegans and vegetarians. Answer no relation found till now. eat whatever you want its taste remains the same

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to sweeten foods for taste