Eugene Zion's family owns the actual publishing rights to the book and story. Perhaps the company that originally published this book could locate them and petition. I agree, it should be brought back. Kids today would love it!!!!
"The Sugar Mouse Cake" by Gene Zion, published 1964.
by Gene Zion (Author)
micky mouse
They bring the cake as celebration, for New Years.
Powdered sugar should be dusted lightly onto a cake. The slightly moist surface of the cake will hold the sugar in place. If powdered sugar is applied too thickly, the excess should be brushed or shaken off. or USE BUTTER!
Brown sugar will vary the taste.
Cane Sugar
Hey, Obviously it sweetens the cake and will make it taste a whole lot better!! Without the sugar the cake would be absolutely tasteless and bland! I always use sugar in baking! x
Sugar is a basic ingredient in cake. It provides volume and texture as well as sweetness. Cakes baked with sugar substitutes sometimes lack density and texture in spite of their artificial sweetness.
the sugar is added to cakes to make it taste sweeter and let other things in cake feed on it.