A woman shows signs of being pregnant when she first misses her periods or when the periods are delayed.
When you become pregnant, your menstrual cycle is delayed for next ten periods. That means you will not get menstrual bleeding till delivery.
Your period can be late for a few reasons. The obvious reason is because you are pregnant, but it can also be late if you are very stressed, or if you have been on any antibiotics lately. And sometimes, periods are just late for no reason.
If you stopped taking pills halfway there are chances that your periods have delayed or you are pregnant. I advice you to take a pregnancy test to clear your doubts.
Not necessarily. Some women do not have regular periods. Stress or other health issues may cause delayed periods. Also, menopause rids of periods. It is nothing to worry about at this stage.
I do not think so,after all, I am runniing too,but my periods havent delayed. It usually happens that the periods get delayed due to some reason,but it has no association with period delay.
One can always GET pregnant. You are probably not currently pregnant if you have regular periods.
If you have had a menstrual period then you are not pregnant. It is impossible to have a period while pregnant. If you feel that you could be pregnant and are having bleeding during pregnancy you should see a Dr as soon as possible to rule out miscarriage, infection, and other pregnancy complications.
too much stress!
it is advisable to consult your doctor.
Swelling breasts can be a sign that your period will start soon. If you've had unprotected sex, swollen breasts (along with a delayed period) can mean that you're pregnant. You can take a pregnancy test three weeks after your last time having unprotected sex to find out.