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Lava Golem's Special Summon does not start a chain, so you cannot chain Epidemic Virus when it is tributing the monsters. You must use it before it would be Summoned or the intended target for Virus probably would not be there for it use.

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Q: Can you chain eradicator epidemic virus to lava golem's tribute to special summon?
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How can you get rigiras in Pokemon platinum?

I think you meant regigigas, to catch it you have to have the three golems, reiice reirock reisteel from the other versions.

How do you beat Mt moon challenge on Pokemon tower defense?

put charmander, metapod, kakuna, and rattata in a rectangle at the intersection. move the pidgey wherever you need it during the challenge. charmander - ember. kakuna - String shot. metapod - string shot. rattata - quick attack. pidgey - tackle.

What legendary Pokémon Pokémon can you get in platinum?

Giritina lvl 47, Uxie lvl 50, azelf lvl 50, mespirit lvl 50, Dialga lvl 70, palkia lvl 70, Heatran lvl 50, Regigigas lvl 1 but you must have the 3 regi golems in your party to engage battle, Cresselia lvl 50, Articuno lvl 60, Moltres lvl 60, Zapdos lvl 60, regirock:regice:registeel lvls 30 (mt. coronet once regigigas is transferred from 11th movie), and Event Pokemon Darkrai lvl 50, Shaymin lvl 30 and arceus lvl 80. Hope I helped

The best Yu-Gi-Oh burner deck how to do it does it have lava golem?

i have a basic burn that acts as a stall also...try to keep the trap cards to a minimum because a lot of people like to run Jinzo in their decks or at least 2 royal commands in their decks...i run 2 lava golems as long as i have at least gravity bind or level limit area B on the field before i use him...i have a lot of spell cards that eat away at the life points...try not to use ookazi unless you have to...any type of fire card that takes away life points should be in there...i have at least 45 cards in my's not the best it is usable during casual play

Where are the rare Pokemon in Pokemon Sapphire?

The majority of rare, or legendary, Pokemon, hide away in caves and such. A list of legendaries off the top of my head: Latios/Latias- Flying/Dragon types. Regirock, Registeel, Regice- 3 golems of Hoenn. Kyogre- The legendary that the game is based on. Rayquaza- The legendary of Emerald version, but available in Sapphire. Beldum- A rare steel type, only available after you defeat the Elite 4 (get it at Steven's house). Lileep/Cradily- Ancient fossil Pokemon. Grass/Poison type. Anorith/Armaldo- Ancient fossil Pokemon. Steel/Water type. If you want semi-rare Pokemon (like Bagon, Salamence, Hetacross, ect.), try searching out deep inside caves, or the Safari Zone.

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Screws can be obtained by fighting the monster golems. Golems can be found south of Henesys.

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Golems are creatures made out of inanimate matter. In Minecraft there are Snow Golems, which can be made by placing a block of snow on top of another, with a pumpkin on top, and Iron Golems, made from a T shaped block of four iron blocks, with a pumpkin on top.

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