Skai Jackson was born April 5, 2002 and is also the cutest 9 year old in the world
Budhia Singh was born in 2002.
Emma Preisendanz was born in 2002.
Lilly Reulein was born in 2002.
Born Funky Born Free was created in 2002.
If you were born in 2002 then you would turn 10 on your birthday in 2012.
If you were born in 2002 your Chinese zodiac sign is the Horse.
if u were born in 2002 u should be 10 or 9 if ur older u were born in 2003.
If they were born between January 1, 2002 and today's month and day in 2002 they would be 8 years old, but if they were born between today's month and day in 2002 and December 31, 2002 they would be 7 years old.
Skai Jackson was born on April 8, 2002
Alena LeBerger was born on January 7, 2002.
Every Child Is Born a Poet - 2002 was released on: USA: 15 January 2002
Born to Run - 2002 was released on: USA: 26 April 2002 (Penn State Student Film Festival)
Skai Jackson was born April 5, 2002 and is also the cutest 9 year old in the world
The cast of Born in Beirut - 2002 includes: Lili Matta
Mattyb was born in 2002