Nope. Fusion Monsters with special conditions (ones that do not Fusion Summon like Gladiator Beast Gyzarus, and ones that must be Fusion Summoned like Dark Paladin) are unsummonable apart from the proper methods listed on their cards, there is no way around it.
For any Fusion Monster, they can only be Special Summoned from the graveyard if they were properly Special Summoned to the field first. That will usually mean by Fusion Summon.There are ways to bring a Fusion Monster to the field without Fusion Summoning it. Cyber Stein is one, and Summoner of Illusion is another. Since these are not Fusion Summons (they are generic Special Summons), the monster was not summoned properly. If they are destroyed, you cannot bring them back with cards like Monster Reborn, and Destiny End Dragoon's effect is no different, it would be unable to special summon him back to the field.Only by Fusion Summoning him initially, is he allowed to use his effect to resummon himself after destruction.(If it is a Fusion Monster that cannot be Fusion Summoned at all, like Gyzarus or the Neospacian fusions, then they are properly summoned just by following their text)
Synchro summoning is generally easier than fusion summoning and several synchros have more powerful effects than fusion monsters, making them far more worth your time.
yes. you need a card called polymerization in your hand use it then tribute the required monsters on the fusion card. search your fusion deck for the card you want to summon and summon it this counts as you once per turn summoning.
A Fusion monster's level is almost entirely irrelevant. The Fusion monster will say what its components are, so for BEUD, it is 3x Blue-Eyes White Dragon. So that means if you have 3 Blue-Eyes White Dragon in any combination of hand or field, as well as a fusion card like Polymerization, then you can fusion summon the BEUD. Fusion monsters may have special summon text is their summoning method is different from above, like the Gladiator Beast fusions or Elemental HERO Neos fusions that do not use Polymerization.
Almost, if not all Elemental Hero Fusions say "This card cannot be special summoned, except by Fusion Summon". This means the only way it can ever hit the field is by Fusion Summon. Some monsters say "can only be special summoned by.." and this listed method is just for the initial summon from hand, if you do this properly, you are allowed to resummon them from the graveyard with cards like Monster Reborn. However, the 'except by' monsters are different, even if you properly special summon them, you still can't revive them from the graveyard like this. Because of that, Elemental Hero fusions are not valid targets for Re-Fusion, as it does not 'Fusion Summon' them.
A Fusion Summon, or the Summoning of any Monster (Synchro or Fusion) from the Fusion Deck (Extra Deck) is a special summon and so Trap Hole will not work on it.
Normal, special, tribute,synchro, xyz, ritual,fusion,flip
No, Jinzo is not listed as a Fusion Material monster for any Fusion Monsters.However, it can be used as a Fusion Material monster in the Fusion Summoning of Chimeratech Overdragon and to Special Summon Chimeratech Fortress Dragon.
A Fusion Summon is the game mechanic where a player initiates a Special Summoning of a Fusion Monster. This is usually used with the effect of Polymerization.For more information on what a Fusion Summon or Fusion Monster is, or how to initiate a Fusion Summon, click on the "Related Link" below.
No, you do not need polymerization to summon Synchro monsters. Synchro monsters are special summoned by sending specific materials from the field to the Graveyard, whose levels match the level of the Synchro monster you want to summon. Polymerization is used for Fusion Summoning, which is a different mechanic.
For any Fusion Monster, they can only be Special Summoned from the graveyard if they were properly Special Summoned to the field first. That will usually mean by Fusion Summon.There are ways to bring a Fusion Monster to the field without Fusion Summoning it. Cyber Stein is one, and Summoner of Illusion is another. Since these are not Fusion Summons (they are generic Special Summons), the monster was not summoned properly. If they are destroyed, you cannot bring them back with cards like Monster Reborn, and Destiny End Dragoon's effect is no different, it would be unable to special summon him back to the field.Only by Fusion Summoning him initially, is he allowed to use his effect to resummon himself after destruction.(If it is a Fusion Monster that cannot be Fusion Summoned at all, like Gyzarus or the Neospacian fusions, then they are properly summoned just by following their text)
Yes, there are several Warrior-type Fusion Monsters in the Yu-Gi-Oh TCG that do not require Polymerization to be summoned. Some examples include "Elemental HERO The Shining," "Dark Paladin," and "Red-Eyes Slash Dragon." These monsters have specific fusion materials and alternative methods of Fusion Summoning, such as using the effect of a card or special summoning condition.
Synchro summoning is generally easier than fusion summoning and several synchros have more powerful effects than fusion monsters, making them far more worth your time.
A Fusion Summon is a Special Summon and things that can be used against Special Summons can also be used against a Fusion Summon. But not all Special Summons are Fusion Summons, even if they do so happen to summon a Fusion Monster. For example, Cyber Stein Special Summons a fusion monster, it does not Fusion Summon it.
If the monster is a 'special summon only' monster, then it can be revived from the graveyard by cards like Monster Reborn, only if the monster was properly special summoned by the listed methods. Synchro, Ritual and Fusion monsters count, and are considered properly summoned when Synchro, Ritual or Fusion Summoned. In the case of Fusion Monsters who can't be Fusion Summoned (XYZ fusions, Gladiator Beast Gyzarus), then simply following the text is enough to count as properly summoning it. Examples of 'improperly' summoning them would by Cyber Stein, and Starlight Road, as these do not Fusion/Synchro Summon. If the monster says 'cannot be special summoned except by', then there is no possible revival from the graveyard except in the most specific circumstances (Level Modulation), and even then, it must be properly summoned first. Lastly, if the monster has neither restriction, then it does not need to be summoned properly first, these cards can be discarded and Monster Reborn'd freely.
NO, blue eyes ultimate is a fusion fusions are held in a separate deck called the fusion deck and with the lord of D + flute of summoning dragon combo that's only for summoning from your regular deck or hand i believe
A "Special Summon" refers to a Summon that is performed through the effect of a card. Special Summoning is not a game mechanic, but more so a generalization of any method of Summoning that is not a Normal Summon, Flip Summon, or Set. Special Summons do not count towards the one Normal Summon/Set per turn rule and can be performed as many times as a player prefers in one turn.There are three methods to Special Summoning (Note that a Special Summoned card that does not fall under any of the following categories, such as with the effect of Call of the Haunted, is merely considered a Special Summon):Fusion Summon - This Special Summon is performed upon the effect of Polymerization (unless otherwise indicated by the Fusion Monster). For more information regarding Fusion Summons, click on the corresponding "Related Link" below.Ritual Summon - This Special Summon is performed upon the effect of a Ritual Spell Card and its corresponding Ritual Monster. For more information regarding Ritual Summons, click on the corresponding "Related Link" below.Synchro Summon - This Special Summon is similar to a Contact Fusion and can only be performed with Tuner Monsters. For more information regarding Synchro Summons, click on the corresponding "Related Link" below.Exeed Summon - This Special summon is a new way to summon that people in japan can already use. Exeed summoning is performed by placing two monsters with the same level on top of each other and then you can summon an Exeed monster with the same rank as one of the monsters level. EX: I place a level four monster like ax raider on another card with the same level like maurauding captain and I place the Exeed monster which is rank four on top of both cards.For more information on Special Summoning, click on the "Special Summon" "Related Link" below.