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baby fetises, goat balls, ears, boogers, bulls


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Q: What food did Paul Klee eat as a child?
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How can your child gain weight?

To gain weight you child has to eat good food.

How much money does a child eat in a year?

Children eat food, not money. What the food costs are depends on their diet.

What does an sickly child need to be healthy?

eat food healthy

When child is with her father he makes her adult food with onions peppers etc If she does not eat this food she goes without food She is not given anything else to eat Is this neglect?

You didn't state how old the child is, but if he or she is beyond toddler age, then it's more a matter of preference, and nothing more. It would only be considered neglect if the father didn'teven offer the child anything to eat.

What was Saint Paul's favorite food?

There is nothing in scripture or tradition that tells us what Saint Paul liked to eat. He ate whatever was given to him.

When can humans eat solid food?

Its according to the child and when it gets it's teeth most children can eat solid food when about 1 and a half or 2 years old.

What are the health problems faced by a child who has a hole in the heart?

Unable to eat food...Has to eat healthy grain foods...or from the hospital.

What is the best food for a two year old boy?

by 2 your child can eat big people food. hope i helped you.

Why will a child with autism refuse to eat certain foods?

Here are possibilities related to autism that might cause a child to refuse to eat certain foods:It does not fit with the routine the child follows. The food is not what he or she is accustomed to eating. It is not what he or she eats for that meal of the day. The food is not served at the proper time of day. The food is not served on the appropriate plate or with the appropriate dinnerware.The food causes sensory issues. It could be too bland or too spicy. It could have a texture the child dislikes.The food is touching other food on the plate.

Is child obesity the restaurant's fault?

No. It is down to the parents and the child. If they eat proper food and get plenty of exercise then the chances of childhood obesity are minimised.

How do you make your kids eat their vegetables?

Children often use eating as a form of a power game. They know from a very young age that parents want them to eat so they will use this to get what they want. The first mistake parents often make is to offer a treat for eating something. This sets up a situation where the child will not eat just because they prefer to eat sweets or junk food. A child will eat when they are hungry so you tell your child that the meal you made them will be saved for them when they are ready, but they will get no other food until they eat it. No cake, no cookies, no crackers, no snacks. When they ask for something give them the food you made. DO NOT fix them a separate meal. If they balk at vegetables include them into food they do like or have them take one or two bites from their plates. Remember, you are the parent and set up the framework of what you want from the child. You are in control, not the child.

What did Annie Oakley eat?

Annie Oakley ate the food her mother bought as a child but as she got older she ate the food she caught/shot