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If a force is exerted on an object, it will accelerate in inverse proportion to its mass in the direction of the force. For example, if two objects of different mass are subjected to the same force, the less massive object will accelerate more.

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13y ago
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11y ago

It will accelerate in the direction of the force (Or decelerate if the force is opposite to the direction of motion). The amount of acceleration is found by the formula a=F/m (Newton's second law), where a is the acceleration in m/s^2, F is the force in N, and m is the mass in kg.

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11y ago

1. slow direction

2. Get faster

3. Stop

3. Change direction

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14y ago

When force is applied to an object, the velocity changes. The object can either accelerate or decelerate and can change direction.

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14y ago

It depends on what direction you apply the force from. It could change direction - if the force is indeed greater, the velocity will increase.

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7y ago

A force acting on a body will result in an acceleration of the body in the direction of the force.

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Q: What are ways in which force may change the motion of a body?
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What are three ways that motion can be changed?

According to newtons first law, a body remains in constant motion in the same direction, with the same velocity, unless and until an external force acts on it. So when a body in motion comes under the influence an external force, it either, 1) changes in its speed- accelerate or decelerate. OR 2)changes in direction of motion- like when rolling marbles collide with each other and change direction. OR 3) Both of the above changes takes place. and when a body is in the state of rest, it will remain in rest unless and until acted upon by an external force. (newtons first law)

Does a change in motion occur only if a net force is exerted on an object?

No. Changes in motion can occur in other ways. A change in motion can occur if that object exerts a net force on another object, like another ball on a billiard table. The object could also bump into an immovable object and its motion would change.

A net is necessary for an object to change its motion?

There are many other ways to accomplish that,but a net will certainly do the job.

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Why do objects in different ways?

because it is due to the force's motion.

How many ways are there are to produce acceleration in a body?

One. In order to cause a body to accelerate, it must be acted on by a resultant force. This law is known as Newton's First Law of Motion.

Why do objects moved in different ways?

because it is due to the force's motion.

Why do objects moves in different ways?

because it is due to the force's motion.

Why do objects move in different ways?

because it is due to the force's motion.

Why do objects move in differents ways?

because it is due to the force's motion.

What are the four ways force and motion can move something?

the four ways are front back left or right

What are the four ways that force and motion can move something?

the four ways are front back left or right