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A woman can only become pregnant if sex was done unprotected, or if a condom broke during protected sex. if your a virgin, you cant be pregnant.

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Q: Can you be pregnant even if he didn't come inside you and how soon should i take the test?
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If i know im not pregnant and i had my period then it just like didnt come back the next month what should you do?

wait a week after your missed period and if it still hasn't come then you should take a pregnancy test

Can i get pregnant if he doesn't come inside of me?

Yes, you can. Use protection

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Can someone get pregnant if they have unprotected sex while on an antibiotic but they didnt come in you?

Yes, it is possible, although not very likely.

What happins if you let sperm come inside of you 2 times?

well you might be pregnant, if your lucky you wont be pregnant.

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Sperm has to come in contact with your vagina to get pregnant.

Where do scardox baby's come out from?

The back of their neck. If they are pregnant there should be a crack in the back of their neck a few weeks before you can actually turn their head inside out by the crack to get the babies out.

Can women get pregnant while not on their period?

Yes, the sperm waits inside for the egg to come.

Can you get pregnant if they come inside of you 9 times?

Or just 1 time if it happens when you are ovulating.

Can a man come inside you while on birth control?

yes but u still can get pregnant

First time sex for 15 seconds so guy didnt come on five days before period and then on day period was due i bled for an hour then stopped and a day later it still hasn't come am i pregnant?

You could be! You should get a test ASAP!