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It depends on how far along you are. Most miscarriages occur in the first trimester and then it's either by inducing by pill which can happen at home or by surgery where the doctor will scrape the uterus and make sure nothing is left to cause infection. If it's later in the pregnancy they will also induce using medicine but then it will be like labor and take place at the hospital.

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Same way as an abortion depending on how far along you are. If it's in the very end of the pregnancy it's like labor.

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13y ago

They get the fetus out through the vaginal canal by giving you a D&C, dilation and currettage, an abortion method that scrapes the uterus.

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Q: How would a doctor get a baby out of the womb after a miscarriage?
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It is possible to know about your baby's genotype in the womb. If one has a great deal of money, they can pay a doctor to do special testing on the fetus.

What do you do if you have had a miscarriage?

I moved the first answer to the Discussion since it told a story and not really answered. If you have had a miscarriage you have to see the doctor to make sure the womb is empty. If not you can get infections. Often they have to perform a surgical abortion to clean out the womb. You shouldn't have sex for about 3 weeks so the uterus can heal.

What are miscariges?

A miscarriage is when the Baby dies inside the Pregnant womans womb. Thyere are a few reasons to how this can happen. Smoking and drinking alcohol is one of them

What if the doctor can't see the baby in its womb?

It is not there and that means its a false pregenancy . Either you loss the baby or the body thinks it is pregnant but it is not .

What to do when there is a sudden reduction of baby's movement in mother's womb?

see a doctor asap, it could be serious

What if baby passes meconium in the womb?

Nothing serious if baby passes motion in womb. Immedialy doctor will opt for C-section delivery. There are chances for babies to swallow this a little inside womb. So it might be an emergency c-section. Right after delivery baby would be shifted to NICU for some time (may be a day). But nothing harmful for either mom or baby.

Can you have a fake womb to have a baby after a hysterectomy?

No, you would need to have a uterus to carry the baby.

If you smoke can your baby be a crack baby?

As a nurse, I would say that not only is the second-hand crack smoke harmful, but the environment that you have yourself in could also be harmful. I would try to be as far away from the smoke as possibe. Don't take any chances!