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Q: What information did the miner with the toothache give to Jack and Praiseworthy?
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What does azariah promise to buy for jack and praiseworthy in callao?

Azariah promises to buy Jack a new wheel for his cart and something praiseworthy for Praiseworthy in Callao.

When did Jack Miner die?

Jack Miner died in 1944.

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What is Prasieworthy Nickname and how did he get it?

What is Jack Miner's birthday?

Jack Miner was born on April 10, 1865.

When was Jack Miner born?

Jack Miner was born on April 10, 1865.

What were Jack's and Praiseworthy's job on the ship?

To dig up coal

By the great horn spoon who took Praiseworthy and Jack's ticket to go on the ship Lady Wilma?

It does not say who stole the money. It was not a ticket it had been money. Someone Pocket picked Jack and Praiseworthy

Who is praiseworty from by the great horn spoon?

praiseworthy is the butler/partner for "master" Jack.

What happened as jack and praiseworthy dug a grave for cut-eye Higgins?

He died

Where does Jack keep his gold dust in the great horn spoon?

in Praiseworthy's glove

How much did jack and praiseworthy get for selling one pick and one shovel?

100 dollars