u will feel like u have wet youself and then it will feel like u have pored a slush puppy down your pants
. I don't know you smell bad my sis did but I haven't started yet
That is a period.
you could be having a miscarriage
no. you cannot have your cycle and be pregnant at the same time.
It means that ur period is coming soon or if it hasnt started u have pms
Some girls dont even feel sick when they have their period but some girls do. If you just started your period it's probably because you are still getting used to the changes.
If you feel like vomiting after the last day of you period, you may just have a virus. There should be no reason to vomit just over your period.
I started feeling them two days before my expected period day.
It is normal to feel like you want to have sex on your period. A woman's hormones are going wild when on their period.
Hell x 10000000000
It could be a sign that you are pregnant.Your "period" might actually be implantation bleeding.You should wait and do a pregnancy test when your normal period is expected