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it is used to treat high cholesterol and atherosclerosis. it doesn't clean the blood but does help with these conditions.

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Q: Does niacin clean your blood
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Will niacin clean you out in 3 days?

No, niacin will not clean drugs out of your system. At all.

What is the difference between flush-free niacin and niacin?

Niacin does help rid the body of toxins. Its purpose is to support a healthy lipid blood profile. It does help for drug tests. THC is released into your blood stream from your fat. Niacin cleans the blood. The blood profile is released into your urine. Thus creating a clean urine state. When the niacin burns, it is working through you fat and blood. Proper flushing (diluting urine by urinating) is require to rid the chemicals.

How long will niacin keep your urine clean?

No, niacin will not clean drugs out of your system.

Can niacin be out your system unitil you smoke again?

Niacin does not clean drugs out of your system.

How does niacin clean the system?

Niacin does not "clean" the system - there are no magic potions that do that. Niacin simply causes you to feel a flushed sensation as you capillaries open up some. It is not "cleaning" anything and too much niacin can actually harm your liver.

Does slo niacin detox you?

No,"Niacin has the effect called the niacin flush, which is an opening of the small blood vessels, the capillaries, so that more blood flows through them. These are the blood vessels which are of most value in reaching fatty tissues. In this way the toxins which are stored in these fatty tissues can be removed, into the bloodstream, and processed out of the body. But please careful with niacin. Large dosages cause skin reactions and health problems .It does not help in the short term and many drugtesting companies are testing for abnormal levels."

Does niacin clean out prescription drugs?

Niacin will not clean any drugs out of your system. This is an old wives' tale (or, rather, an old druggie's tale).

What pills clean your system out?

niacin pills

Does niacin clean your system of opiates?

No, niacin is absolutely useless for cleaning drugs -- any drugs -- out of your system.

Will niacin take morphine out of your blood?


How many niacin do it take to clean your system?

How many niacin pills do you got to take to clean weed out of your system? 7-10 taking one a day and drinking lots of fluids.

Will niacin clean yur system of narcotics?

Not of opiates, sorry.