Minimal. But you should know that pulling out is not at all a safe technique! you lose pre-ejaculate during sex, which could make her pregnant if she wasn't on Birth Control, so be careful with that. But if she's using birth control, and you're both disease-free the risks are minimal. But nothing is a 100% safe, so do use a condom if you can. If you both dislike using it, you can leave it, but a condom and another form of birth control reduces the risks to nearly 0.
birth control increases your chances of not getting pregnant
No, birth control decreases your risk of getting pregnant.
The chances are slim but birth control can never be 100 percent trusted especially if you are new to it. Chances are your not pregnant.
Yes. However you decrease the chances by taking your birth control correctly and by using condoms.
The chances are great.
Birth control is not a 100% way to stop pregnancy and your period makes those chances even worse.
The 'Pull-out Method' is not a good form of birth control.You are at risk of becoming pregnant if you continue to use (that method) of birth control.Condoms are the best option that we have.
If you are having unprotected sex, there will always be a chance of pregnancy.The "Pull-Out" method is not a good means for birth control.To be safe & surer, us a condom.They are 99% effective.
It doesn't matter - you can STILL get pregnant no matter what!
no. the chances of you getting pregnant are the same as if you hadn't taken birth control in months.
Unless you see them pull out their birth control pack and take their pill, there is no way to tell other than by asking.
Get on birth control if you're still worried about chances of getting pregnant use condoms while using birth control also.