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In terms of health, marijuana helps people neurologically and mentally. On the other hand, smoking a single joint is the same as smoking 3-5 cigarettes in terms of lung damage. (Source: The biggest drawback to smoking marijuana versus cigarettes is basically breathing related. Even though cannabis possesses far less carcinogens then cigarettes, the fact that most joints are unfiltered compared with the fact that many cannabis smokers do not immediately exhale upon taking a drag improves the chances of developing respiratory issues.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

MJ won't give you the nicotine, which would make it less harmful. OTOH you're still sucking in a lot of burned particles, which isn't good for you regardless of their source.
Yes cannabis is non-toxic whereas tobacco is.

Cannabis(Marijuana) abuse has been credited with causing paranoia, schizophrenia and brain damage.

Therefore it's hardly non-toxic!

It simply is less likely to cause lung cancer than nicotine based cigarettes. This fact is no comfort to the millions of canabis users on the planet who have used it as a gateway drug to other substances. Most of which are far more toxic than cigarettes will ever be.

Despite myths, cannabis does not cause brain damage, paranoia, schizophrenia, or any other neurosis. It has been shown to exacerbate symptoms in people with predispositions for psychosis, however.

Marijuana actually is non-toxic; THC is not poisonous to the body. In fact, the human body comes with built-in cannabinoid receptors.

The gateway drug hypothesis is a one-way myth; that is to say, just because many users of hard drugs started on marijuana, does not mean that users of marijuana are necessarily more likely to try other drugs. The toxicity of harder drugs is irrelevant to the question of marijuana's toxicity.

All of that being said, smoking anything is harmful because inhaling smoke isn't healthy. There are smokeless alternatives for THC consumption. There is no valid study that can demonstrate marijuana's being even remotely comparable to the health effects of tobacco.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

Alcohol does nothing but harm the human body and causes hundreds of thousands of deaths each year. Marijuana has been used as a medicine for more than 2,700 years, is used today to treat things like cancer and aides and has never killed anyone ever.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

Considering the majority of Marijuana smoked is done so without chemical additives used to market cigarettes, the substance itself is actually safer to put into your system. The primary health concern would be the smoke inhalation, which is dangerous in any case. The drug effects of marijuana are why most people claim it is so bad, and why its illegal in most places. In most people it has a tendency to alter ones perception, which is very dangerous when operating a vehicle, or making good decisions.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Yes there are studies across the world that support this. Go to and look under either THC or canabis and there will be non bias articles proving no damage to the lungs, improved health, etc. Just ignore the pba on the news or newspapers, they all are biased and controlled...

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βˆ™ 14y ago

It isn't. In fact, smoking Marijuana helps rid the body of the toxins tobacco ckntains. These toxins may cause birth defects and death, and every time someone compares the two, I'll spit on a mosque.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

It contains less carcinogens, and the THC is not addictive. Also, it doesn't make you stupid.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Marijuana is illegal all the time, while tobacco is only illegal when you smoke it at a certain age.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

it's not

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Q: Is marijuana better than tobacco health wise?
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Who wants to legalize marijuana?

Me. and other people who think it's ridiculous how tobacco is a lot worse for your health than marijuana is.

What is better to smoke cigarettes or marijuana?

A national study suggests that low to moderate use of marijuana is less harmful to users' lungs than exposure to tobacco.

Is marijuana healthy for you in any way at all?

Marijuana is not hurtful in anyway at all, and not sure about being healthy for you but it is way better for you than tobacco is. Marijuana stimulates brain cell growth.

Is weed better than ciggerates?

You may have heard that "one joint is equal to ten cigarettes" but this is exaggerated and misleading. Marijuana does contain more tar than tobacco - but low tar cigarettes cause just as much cancer, because it increases the number of 'lesions' in your small airways. This usually does not threaten your life, but there is a chance it will lead to infections.

What is the difference between tobacoo and marijuana?

Tobacco is much more addictive and nicotine can cause cancer. Marijuana is not very addictive (it is less addictive than caffeine). Marijuana has a much stronger short term effect than tobacco does. Being high on marijuana drastically changes one's perception of reality for the duration of the drug's main effects.

Marijuana is better than what?

Marijuana is always better than alcohol and cigarette smoking.

Does marijuana contain more cancer causing chemicals than cigarettes?

Marijuana contains no known cancer causing agents.

How much THC do cigarettes contain?

Like tobacco smoke, marijuana smoke contains cancer-causing chemicals. There are 33 cancer-causing chemicals contained in marijuana. Marijuana smoke also deposits tar into the lungs. In fact, when equal amounts of marijuana and tobacco are smoked, marijuana deposits four times as much tar into the lungs. This is because marijuana joints are un-filtered and often more deeply inhaled than cigarettes.Although it may be true that marijuana smoke deposits more tar into the lungs than tobacco smoke, current evidence does not indicate that the former results in proportionally greater deleterious health affects.

The amount of tar inhaled by marijuana smokers and the level of carbon monoxide is than among tobacco smokers?

idk but i do no there is no tar in weed cuz it is placed into the tobacco plants and not marijuana plants

Is hash a harder drug than marijuana and what are the side affects?

Hash and marijuana is the same plant. Hash is basically the trichomes of the marijuana buds, while marijuana (or weed/pot) is the bud itself. The side effects are the same as by consuming marijuana. Hash is often mixed and smoked with tobacco, so if you consider tobacco more dangerous than marijuana then technically you could say it's a "harder" drug.

Does marijuana increase the risk of cancer more than tobacco?

no, they sell it as a prescription drug.

Is cannabis less harmful than fags?

F*a*g*s is a slang term for tobacco cigarettes. Tobacco cigarettes are Probably the most dangerous legal substance a person can consume. They are a leading cause of cancer. Cannabis can be dangerous, but, nowhere near as dangerous as tobacco. The Number one reason tobacco is legal in the USA and marijuana is not is because of Money. The rich tobacco companies, (and the people who smoke and chew tobacco), keep it legal. Money interests keep marijuana illegal. I am not saying you should smoke marijuana, (unless it's for medical purposes), however tobacco is Far more dangerous than marijuana.