Elizabeth I, she made Great Britians official religion Catholic, but she let anybody practice any religion.
The Bill of Rights applies to all US citizens, any residents of the US, and anybody visiting the US.
It actually depends on what kind of rich people you are talking about. You could be talking about English people, Korean people or anybody. You need to be more specific in your question.
English does have that: 'bonjour' is 'hello', while 'salut' is like 'hi'. 'Hello' is a more formal word than 'hi'.
A kind of pencil called Bic cristal in English, very famous in France, anybody used on in his life at least once, some are using them every day. Bic is the trademark of this pencil.
No decent fansubbers bothered with it but you can go with Doki or Hadena. (I recommend Doki)
日本語 (nihongo) means Japanese Language, in Japanese.
Michel is my friend ....................
She wasn't anybody.
anybody is said in french as n'importe qui.for more information check in an English french dictionary.
This is not an English word. "Anybody" is a pronoun, so it doesn't have a plural form with an "s." Perhaps you are thinking of anybody's instead, which is a possessive. It is anybody's guess whether that is true or not.
Veni, vidi, amavi
In French, "anyone" is spelled as "n'importe qui".
There is not a Hopi translation for the English phrase 'Is anybody there'. The words and ideas that comprise this phrase are simply not a part of the Hopi language.
James = جیمز Rachel = راشل
Justin Beaver