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no Henry Hudson didn't go to Asia instead he went New Amsterdam

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Q: Did Henry Hudson find Asia
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What was Henry Hudson purpose of explorations?

Henry Hudson tried to find a passage to Asia.

What was the reason for Henry Hudson's exploration?

To find a passage to Asia.

Did Henry Hudson die in his passage to Asia?

no but he did not find it

What did Henry Hudsondid not accomplish?

Henry Hudson did not accoplish to find a water route to Asia

What did Henry Hudson hope to find when he sailed up the Hudson River?

the short way to Asia

Where did Henry Hudson want to explore?

He wanted to find a northwestern passage into Asia. =)

Did Henry Hudson achieve what he wanted to?

No, he didn't find a water route to Asia.

What job did Henry Hudson have on the voyages?

To find a shorter route to Asia From Europe

Why did Henry Hudson go on the voyages?

henry hudson went on the 4 voyages because he promised the king and Qeen that the would find the way to Asia

Why did Henry Hudson do this exploration on North America?

He was trying to find a shorter route to Asia.

What did Henry Hudson see on his first voyage?

No. He died when his crew mutinied during his voyage to find the Northwest Passage. However, he earlier explored the Hudson River, Hudson Strait, and Hudson Bay, all of which were named for him.

Why did Henry Hudson go on the 4 voyages?

henry hudson went on the 4 voyages because he promised the king and Qeen that the would find the way to asia