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Q: Do you wear your unit crest on the epaulets of the dress blue uniform such is the case on the green class a uniform?
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How do unit crest go on army dress greens?

The unit crest is worn on the epalette of the dress green uniform,all nco's wear a green cloth secured to the epalette and the unit crest is placed upon the same...

What USMC uniform is appropriate for a funeral?

Regular Class A uniform, which I think is now the Dress Blue Uniform.. when I was in, Class A was what is now called the Army Green Uniform. Either one will suffice.

Is the army dress green class a uniform still approved?

for now.

US Army officers rank insignia?

Depends on your rank and the uniform. On the Class A uniform and dress blues, enlisted personnel wear fabric insignia on the sleeves, whereas officers wear pin-on insignia on the epaulets. On the Class B uniform, Private (E2), Private First Class (E3), and Specialist (E4) would wear metallic insignia pinned through the collar, whereas Corporal and higher would wear shoulder boards on the epaulets. On the older Battle Dress Uniforms (BDUs) and Desert Combat Uniform (DCU), rank insignia would be worn on the collar points. On the current Army Combat Uniform (ACU), it is worn on a velcro tab on the front of the uniform. Officers and Warrant Officers wear their rank insignia on the beret, whereas enlisted personnel wear their regimental crest. Rank insignia is usually sewn onto helmet covers - however, this is often a moot point, as the placement of the rank insignia on the kevlar helmet often leaves it covered by the mounting plates for night vision goggles.

What is scout shirt class a?

Class A is an unofficial name for the BSA uniform. The Class B would be what ever the troop chooses as it's out of uniform dress code such as a troop Tee shirt and jeans.

Do you wear your qualification badge on dress blues?

Yes you do wear them. It is the same as your Class A Uniform

Where does the flag go on a army dress uniform?

There is no flag on the dress uniform

What is the uniform called that people in the army wear for notifying families that soldiers have passed away?

The uniform that individuals in the military wear when notifying families of a soldier's death is called a "Class A" or "Service Dress" uniform. This uniform typically includes a jacket, trousers or skirt, and the appropriate military decorations. It is worn to show respect and professionalism during these solemn occasions.

Do national guardsmen get a dress uniform?

I went through Basic in 98, and the Class A uniform was the current Army Green uniform, which is in the process of being phased out. At that time, everyone was issued Class A and B uniforms. A lot has changed in the 12 years since, but that's one which isn't likely to, and you should still be issued the current Army Service Uniform (which replaced the Class A/Army Green uniform). Upon graduation, you would be wearing that uniform for the graduation ceremony, and thus would have to have one issued to you. Special uniforms, such as Mess Dress, however, will have to be purchased on your own, if you wish/need to have them.

What did an average American GI's uniform look like?

Dress Blue uniform? Class A uniform? Fatigue dress, or battledress,as some call it? If you worked in an office, at the rear,you were likely to be wearing a hat and jacket if you were outside. If you were laying down in a hole at the front, with bullets going past you, you were usually dressed in fatigues.

Can the Army dress uniform be worn on cruise ships dress night?

An Army dress uniform is appropriate for ship's dress night on a cruise ship. However, the person wearing the uniform must be on active or reserve duty.

Can Boy Scouts salute the flag in class B uniform?

The BSA states: The hand-to-forehead salute is correct for flag ceremonies for any person wearing a uniform of the Boy Scouts of America. This includes those wearing the blue blazer dress uniform. The hand-over-heart salute should be used when not in uniform. Many units have an activity uniform consisting of a t-shirt. The BSA discourages the use of the military terms Class A and Class B and prefers the terms official uniform and activity uniform.