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Nomadic tribes have existed in pre-history and some (like the Tuareg) remain nomadic to this day.

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Q: Age when most people were nomads?
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What was the age when most people were nomads?

age when most people were nomads

What is the age when most people where nomads?

Paleolithic,Mesolithic,and neolithic.

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What do you call people from the stone age?


In what important ways were people from the Paleolithic Age and people from the Neolithic Age alike?

They were different because in the paleolithic age people did simpler things and were nomads but in the neolithic age people weren't nomads and started farming, trading and building shelters.

What are some advancements and achievements of the stone age?

During the stone age people learned to make fire, being nomads and hunter gathers, the most important thing was that they learned how to make tools out of stone and to farm.

What happened to bring an end to the Mesolithic Age and open the Neolithic Age?

People began to domesticate animals so they stopped living as nomads.

Which of the following changes characterized the new stone age?

People moved from villages to cities.It was nor more nomads

what do nomads do?

Nomads are people that move from place to place for their food.

What discovery did the new stone age begin with?


Why did many stone age people become nomads?

Because they did not have anywhere else to live. They thought that they might find opportunity elsewhere.

Did the stone age people live in caves?

Answerpeople of the stone age mostly lived in caves because they were nomadic people meaning they moved a lot. AnswerClearly some Stone Age people lived in caves, and we can show this by the presence of artifacts in the caves. On the other hand, there are very few caves in much of the world, and nomads tend not to live in caves, but in tents. So we can be pretty sure that some Stone Age people did not live in caves, also. There is a link below to an article on nomads.