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Name, Rank & Serial number For American soldiers, this was the only information that was recorded on their Dog-tags that they wore around their neck, along with Blood Type and Religion.

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Q: If a soldier was captured during World War 2 what were the only facts he was required to give?
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Was kurt vonneut in Germany during World War 2?

Yes. He was a captured soldier and spent time in a German prisoner of war camp.

Was Hitler ever captured during World War 2?


What did a soldier eat during world war 1?

dog biscuits and tea

The Famous Japanese-American soldier during World War 2 -7 letters?

3. Patton

What is oldest age of a British serving soldier during World War 2?

Then oldest serving solder during WW2 was 52 in 1945

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Was kurt vonneut in Germany during World War 2?

Yes. He was a captured soldier and spent time in a German prisoner of war camp.

How long did a German soldier serve during World War 2?

Until he was killed, captured, became disabled for further service due to wounds or illness, or it was over. There was no getting out of it.

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Where were soldiers captured during World War 2?

in prison camps

When the U 505 was captured?

The German U 505 attack submarine was captured by the United States during World War 2. Captured on June 4, 1944.

What is a soldier who returns home during world war two?

A veteran

Nickname of an American soldier during world war 2?

u stink

How was Hitler a part of world War 1?

He was a soldier during WW 1.

What did a soldier eat during world war 1?

dog biscuits and tea