it was brought out by world war II, but most people want to think the war just made the depression worse.
WW2 not only didn't hurt the US's economy, it actually pulled us out of the Great Depression.
The great crash was just one of the reasons that the US economy went into a long depression. The banks failing, and the decrease in purchasing power also had a part in leading the US into the long depression. The reason for this was that each economic issues fed into the next and there was no way to rebound.
No, The war actually brought the United States out of the Great Depression. Increased war production and mobilization of the entire country saw our industrial output skyrocket.
Political Weaknesses Economic Weaknesses Social Weaknesses
Franklin Delano Roosevelt and World War II brought us out of the Great Depression.
It pulled us out of the Great Depression. With nearly every American either fighting in the war or working in factories for the war effort, the war brought us out of the Depression.
The Great Depression
usa became a mixed economy basically after the great depression
The Great DepressionThe great depression
The Great DepressionThe great depression
Herbert Hoover was president when it became obvious that the economy was in a depression.
The Great DepressionThe great depression
The increase in spending on world war two brought the economy back, however many people believe it was FDR's new deal.
Creating more industries was what ultimately led to recovery of the US economy following the Great Depression. This meant that there was a high production capacity with millions of people working.
The effects are it declined the economy miserably and sent them into the Great Depression
WWII brought the US OUT OF THE DEPRESSION of the 1930's.