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Legislative branch can veto the executive branch vetoes and can impeach.

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Q: What can the legislative branch do to exercise checks and balances over the executive branch?
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How can the executive branch control the power of the legislative branch?

Checks and Balances.... Look it up.

According to what system the executive branch is checked by the judicial and the Legislative branch?

Checks and Balances.

What system helps prevent any of the three branches of US government from becoming too powerful?

The system of checks and balances. The Legislative Branch can write legislation. The Executive Branch can veto laws passed by the Legislative Branch. The Legislative Branch can override the veto. The Judicial Branch can rule on the constitutionality of laws. The Executive Branch appoints important judges. The appointments have to be approved by the Legislative Branch.

Which branch controls appropriations of money?

The legislative branch controls the appropriations of money, they are checking the executive branch(if you know about checks and balances)

What two branches of government provide checks and balances against the executive branch becoming too powerful?

The Legislative branch and the Judicial branch.

In which model is there a balance of power between the executive and legislative branches of government?

Separation of power is the model. This is what balances power between the executive and legislative branch of government.

What branch of government commands the nations army and navy?

The legislative branch.

What are checks and balances in government?

The system of Checks and Balances in your government( most likely the US) is a system of government in which the three branched legislative executive and judicial check on each other to prevent one branch from getting too powerful.

What is the Executive Branch's job in the system of checks and balances?

the executive branch,, executes and implements policies after it becomes a law,,through legislation by the legislative branch. However, house bill can be vetoed by the president

What are the checks and balances for companies?

The Legislative Branch shows an example of check and balance by overiding the President's vote (Executive Branch)

Are there checks and balances or do they work more closely together in the US?

Yes. Checks and balances are a form of government to keep each branch in order and to not give one branch too much power. For example the legislative branch can veto the executive branch or the executive branch can declare something unconstitutional.

What are the three branches of the Bangladesh government?

Executive branch: Legislative branch: Judicial branch: ....thank you... Executive branch: Legislative branch: Judicial branch: ....thank you...