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B citizens and slaves

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Q: What groups made up the general Roman society A patricians and plebeians B citizens and slaves C both A and B D consuls and aediles?
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Could plebeians be consuls?

Yes they could, "As time went on, there became few legal differences between the plebeians and the patricians. The plebeians could be elected to the senate and even be consuls." Thanks, Unknown

Why the words patrician and plebeian linked together?

The patricians were the aristocracy and the plebeians were the commoners (all non-patrician) both rich and poor. In the Early Roman Republic the patricians monoplosised power. All the consuls (the two annually elected heads of the city and the army and the senators were patricians). There was a 200-year long Conflict of the Orders between patricians and plebeians where the rich plebeians fought for power-sharing with the patricians. They obtained this and they were co-opted into a patrician-plebeian oligarchy.

How were plebeians and patricians different?

The partricians were the original Roman aristocracy, created under the monarchy. These were old senatorial families. The plebeians were non-patricians, the mass of Roman citizens, who had their own officials (eg. tribunes of the plebs). However, plebeians could be very wealthy, and towards the later part of the Roman Republic they gained considerable power. For example, a law was introduced that one of the two consuls (the most powerful position in Rome) had to be a plebeian, and often both consuls would be plebeian.

Are consuls chosen to represent the upper class of roman citizens?

During the Roman Republic the consuls were the two annually elected heads of the city and the army. They were elected by the Assembly of the Soldiers (Comitia Centuriata). They were meant to run the city onbehalfof all Roman citizens. At thebeginningof the Republic they were from the patrician upper class and defended the interest of this class. However, the Conflict of the Orders soon developed. This was a conflict between patricians and plebeians (commoners) which lasted for 200 years. This led to power-sharing between patricians and rich plebeians, with the latter being given access to the seats of the senate, somepriesthoods, and the offices of state, including the consulship. In 367 BC the Lex (law) Licinia Sextiaprovidedthat in every year one of the consul had to be a plebeian.

Why did Patricians had more rights than Plebeians?

We are told this by ancient historians. In addition, the list of the names of the early consuls shows the at first 70% of them were patricians and then 100% were patricians. We are told that in the Early Republic the patricians monopolised the seats of the senate and political power and that rich plebeians fought for and won access to the offices of state and the senate, and power-sharing with the patricians.

Related questions

Could common citizens play the role of a one of the consuls in the roman republic?

In the Early Republic, apart from a short period when 30% of the consuls were plebeians, all the consuls were patricians (aristocrats). In 367 BC, the Lex (law) Licinia Sextia provided that at least one consul each year should be a plebeian. The plebeians were the commoners, all non-patricians. The term covered both the rich and the poor. Only rich plebeians became consuls.

Could plebeians be consuls?

Yes they could, "As time went on, there became few legal differences between the plebeians and the patricians. The plebeians could be elected to the senate and even be consuls." Thanks, Unknown

What magistrates protected the plebeians from arbitrary power exercised by the patricians in ancient Rome?


Why the words patrician and plebeian linked together?

The patricians were the aristocracy and the plebeians were the commoners (all non-patrician) both rich and poor. In the Early Roman Republic the patricians monoplosised power. All the consuls (the two annually elected heads of the city and the army and the senators were patricians). There was a 200-year long Conflict of the Orders between patricians and plebeians where the rich plebeians fought for power-sharing with the patricians. They obtained this and they were co-opted into a patrician-plebeian oligarchy.

How were plebeians and patricians different?

The partricians were the original Roman aristocracy, created under the monarchy. These were old senatorial families. The plebeians were non-patricians, the mass of Roman citizens, who had their own officials (eg. tribunes of the plebs). However, plebeians could be very wealthy, and towards the later part of the Roman Republic they gained considerable power. For example, a law was introduced that one of the two consuls (the most powerful position in Rome) had to be a plebeian, and often both consuls would be plebeian.

What power did the citizens assembly have over romes consuls?

Roman citizens had the right to appeal against the actions (not the policies) of the consuls and all the other magistrates (officer of state).

Are consuls chosen to represent the upper class of roman citizens?

During the Roman Republic the consuls were the two annually elected heads of the city and the army. They were elected by the Assembly of the Soldiers (Comitia Centuriata). They were meant to run the city onbehalfof all Roman citizens. At thebeginningof the Republic they were from the patrician upper class and defended the interest of this class. However, the Conflict of the Orders soon developed. This was a conflict between patricians and plebeians (commoners) which lasted for 200 years. This led to power-sharing between patricians and rich plebeians, with the latter being given access to the seats of the senate, somepriesthoods, and the offices of state, including the consulship. In 367 BC the Lex (law) Licinia Sextiaprovidedthat in every year one of the consul had to be a plebeian.

Why did Patricians had more rights than Plebeians?

We are told this by ancient historians. In addition, the list of the names of the early consuls shows the at first 70% of them were patricians and then 100% were patricians. We are told that in the Early Republic the patricians monopolised the seats of the senate and political power and that rich plebeians fought for and won access to the offices of state and the senate, and power-sharing with the patricians.

What type of people are consuls in rome?

At different times the consuls were different. At the beginning of the republic the consuls were all patricians from wealthy families. Over time, the plebeians were allowed to be elected to the office and by the later part of the republic one consul had to be a patrician and his partner had to be a plebeian. At any rate, they had to be wealthy men in order to be able to finance their political careers.At different times the consuls were different. At the beginning of the republic the consuls were all patricians from wealthy families. Over time, the plebeians were allowed to be elected to the office and by the later part of the republic one consul had to be a patrician and his partner had to be a plebeian. At any rate, they had to be wealthy men in order to be able to finance their political careers.At different times the consuls were different. At the beginning of the republic the consuls were all patricians from wealthy families. Over time, the plebeians were allowed to be elected to the office and by the later part of the republic one consul had to be a patrician and his partner had to be a plebeian. At any rate, they had to be wealthy men in order to be able to finance their political careers.At different times the consuls were different. At the beginning of the republic the consuls were all patricians from wealthy families. Over time, the plebeians were allowed to be elected to the office and by the later part of the republic one consul had to be a patrician and his partner had to be a plebeian. At any rate, they had to be wealthy men in order to be able to finance their political careers.At different times the consuls were different. At the beginning of the republic the consuls were all patricians from wealthy families. Over time, the plebeians were allowed to be elected to the office and by the later part of the republic one consul had to be a patrician and his partner had to be a plebeian. At any rate, they had to be wealthy men in order to be able to finance their political careers.At different times the consuls were different. At the beginning of the republic the consuls were all patricians from wealthy families. Over time, the plebeians were allowed to be elected to the office and by the later part of the republic one consul had to be a patrician and his partner had to be a plebeian. At any rate, they had to be wealthy men in order to be able to finance their political careers.At different times the consuls were different. At the beginning of the republic the consuls were all patricians from wealthy families. Over time, the plebeians were allowed to be elected to the office and by the later part of the republic one consul had to be a patrician and his partner had to be a plebeian. At any rate, they had to be wealthy men in order to be able to finance their political careers.At different times the consuls were different. At the beginning of the republic the consuls were all patricians from wealthy families. Over time, the plebeians were allowed to be elected to the office and by the later part of the republic one consul had to be a patrician and his partner had to be a plebeian. At any rate, they had to be wealthy men in order to be able to finance their political careers.At different times the consuls were different. At the beginning of the republic the consuls were all patricians from wealthy families. Over time, the plebeians were allowed to be elected to the office and by the later part of the republic one consul had to be a patrician and his partner had to be a plebeian. At any rate, they had to be wealthy men in order to be able to finance their political careers.

What is the importance of tribune?

There were two types of tribunes: the military tribunes and the plebeian tribunes. The military tribunes were young officers who were seconded to the staff of the commander of a legion. The importance of this office is that it was the first step on the ladder of the career in public office. The plebeian tribunes were the representatives of the plebeians, the commoners. They were formed to defend the poor plebeians from abuse by the consuls (the two annually elected heads of the republic) and the rich during a rebellion in which the poor plebeians instituted both the plebeian tribunes and the Plebeian Council. They were elected by this council and they presided over it. They could present bills to the vote of this council. Originally the patricians refused to recognize these laws as binding to all Roman citizens, arguing that they could apply to the plebeians, but not the patricians. Eventually they were recognised as binding on all citizens. During the Late Republic, the plebeians tribunes became the main proposers of bills (previously these were the consuls) and the Plebeian Council became the main voting body for bills.

What was the plebeians responsible for?

The plebeians were not responsible for anything. They were the commoners (both rich and poor) while the patricians were the aristocracy. The rich plebeians were entrepreneurs: merchants, bankers, money lenders and investors in mining and shipping. The rich plebeians fought for power-sharing with the patricians who in the Early republic monopolised the posts of consuls (the two annually elected heads of the Republic) and the seats of the senate. During a long struggle, they gained access to the consulship, the other offices of state which were created as the Republic developed, and some of the presthoods.

Describe the roles of patricians and plebeians in the Roman republic?

Plebeians and Patricians had a lot in common-they both were citizens of Rome, they both had to pay taxes, and they both could vote. But there were also many differences. Here are some:Patricians:Wealthy landowning citizens of RomeMore and better social status than the PlebeiansCould hold public office in Roman governmentPlebeians:Working citizens (artisans etc.)Less social status (couldn't marry people of Patrician status)Could NOT hold public office.