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General Assembly which consists of Senate and House of Representatives.

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Q: What two departments make up the legislative branch of georgias state government?
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Whats the largest branch of Georgias government?

Legislative, at least most likely

Which Branch includes the president and the departments that help run the government Legislative Branch or Executive Branch?

The Executive branch includes the President and the departments that help run the government.

What legislative departments are in the legislative branch?

The senate and House of Representatives.

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The legislative branch

What two departments make up the legislative branch of Georgia's government?

General Assembly which consists of Senate and House of Representatives.

What is the legislative branch of government know as?

The legislative branch.

What is Britain legislative branch called?

The Legislative Branch is the Parliament. The Executive Branch is referred to as Her Majesty's Government. It consists of several government departments, which are mostly located in the street called Whitehall.

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The legislative branch selects the head of government - Apex

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Which government has its executive as part of the legislative?

The UK, and most governments which are based on the UK government. The executive branch consists of Departments which come under control of Parliament.

What branch of government commands the nations army and navy?

The legislative branch.