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The Bismarck .

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Q: What was the British ship sunk by Germans during World War 1 name?
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First world war heroine nurse who was executed for helping allied prisoners to escape?

Edith Cavell is the name. She was shot by the Germans as a spy. Of course the British deny this, but then that is what the British do !

Name of World War I German Soldiers?

German soldiers during World War I were called "Huns" by the American soldiers. The Germans called their soldiers "The Bosch" during World War I.

What was the name of the Soviet Army during World War 2 which defeated the Germans in the Battle of Stalingrad?

Red Army.

What is the name of the soft drink that was developed by Germans during world war 2?

The drink Fanta was developed in Germany 1941

What was the name of the organization for British Female Soldiers during World World 2?

The ATS or Auxillary Territorial Services.

Name a British general during World War 2?

Bernard Montgomery was the most famous British General during World War 2 but there were others such as Auchinleck, Brook, Wavell, Gort, Percival etc.

What is the name given to Germans and Austria-Hungary during world war 1 because of their geographic location in the heart of Europe?

the central powers!

What job did the Colossus do during world war 2?

That was the name of the first programmable electronic computer, and it was used to break codes used by the Germans.

How did us citizens feel about germans in the us during world war 1?

The Germans were not very popular. Some people changed their German sounding name to an American one. Other names for things were changed.