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Q: What was the name of the new colony established by the Mormons Fort Laramie New Spain Walla Walla New Zion?
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Who established colonies in Spain and Africa?

The United Kingdom. They established the Gibraltar Colony in what was then Spanish territory, as well as much of Africa.

Is the new colony esatblished by the mormons called New Spain?

No. The Mormon pioneers established many cities, towns, and settlements in the 1800's, mostly in the western US. They proposed a state called Deseret which was cut in half and renamed Utah by the United States government.

What was established or started in the colony of new Spain under the ecomienda system?

Landowners were supposed to care for their workers welfare.

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Spain And africa

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Mexico. Mexico had won its independence from Spain in 1821 and Stephen Austin established his colony in 1822.

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No. Spain has never been a colony nor is it one now.

Who was Onate and what did he do?

You may be referring to Juan de Oñate. He was a conquistador: in the late 1500s and early 1600s, he explored in the New World, and he established the colony of New Mexico for Spain. Most accounts say he was very dictatorial and harsh as the leader of that colony, but he is known for having established it.

Which British colony is claimed by Spain?

Gibraltar is a territory, not a colony, of the United Kingdom claimed by Spain.

How long was Chile a colony of Spain?

It was a colony of Spain until Feb 12, 1818 (277 years)

Was Mexico a part of Spain?

It was a colony of Spain in the Americas, much as the United States used to be a colony of England.

Why did Spain colonize Florida and the rio grande valley?

Spain wanted to protect its colony in Mexico from other Europeans