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December 17,1943 ... The Chinese Exclusion Act was repealed, giving Chinese immigrants the right to citizenship and the right to vote ... In the spring of 1882 The Chinese Exclusion Act was passed and signed by President Chester A. Arthur ... Letting Chinese come to America to work mostly in mining ...

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Q: What year did people from China get the right to vote in the US?
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Where did women first get the right to vote on the state level?

In the year 1918, was the year women to be elected to Parliament. Ten years later, Representation of the People Act granted women the right to vote.

What is the difference between Chinese government and Australian government?

Well In Australia people have the right to speak while in china activists get taken away by the governemnt. don't know i just don't know, that's right Anthony In Australia we can vote for our Prime Minister, their are multi-parties like libral ,labour ,greens and more and Australia is a Constitutional Monarchy. In China the people are not aloud to vote for who's president, their is only 1 party and it is a Communist country. In China the people are not allowed to vote for who's presidents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT'S AMAZING!!!!! Well In Australia people have the right to speak while in china activists get taken away by the governemnt. don't know i just don't know, that's right Anthony As a 15-year-old Chinese student,I have to say that it is ture.

What year did women have the right to vote?

It varies.In certain societies women were the only people allowed to vote.

In what year did the women gain the right to vote?

With the passage of the 19th amendment in 1920 they were given the right to vote.

In what year was it passed for women to vote?

Women gain the right to vote in 1919.

The right for everyone to vote happened in what year?

The right for everyone to vote has never been made law. Anywhere.

Year woman had the right to vote?

The Amendment allowing women to vote was ratified in 1920.

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only 18 year old men can vote

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What year did women get the right to vote in the. US?


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