The Japanese version of the US Congress is a bicameral parliament known as The National Diet or just the Diet. In Japanese, it is Kokkai (国会).
mocking a parliament is called mock parliament
It is called Parliament House.
Parliament John Jordan
Long Parliament
the government to increase spending
The name of the Japanese parliament is the Diet or Kokkai. The lower House called the Shugin (the House of Reprsenitives)and the upper house called the Shangin (House of Councillors)
The House of Representatives and the House of Councillors.
The Japanese version of the US Congress is a bicameral parliament known as The National Diet or just the Diet. In Japanese, it is Kokkai (国会).
The Japanese legislature, called the Diet, is made up of two houses: the House of Representatives (with 480 seats) and the House of Councillors (with 242 seats).
It was called the "New Deal" and was based on creation of new jobs and industries to revitalize the economy. Not a 100% success and it drew some criticism at the time, but the economy did recover gradually.
mocking a parliament is called mock parliament
Owls are solitary . . . if they do get together, flying or otherwise, the group is called a "Parliament".
Parliament of India is called as Sansad Bhawan
It is called Parliament House.
A group of owls is called a parliament. A group of their young would be a clutch.