Solidarity movement was outlawed on December 13, 1989.
in Poland?
Lech Walensa
In 1981 General Jaruzelski ( dictator and leader of Communist party) declered martial law ,Solidarity was banned and its leaders arrested.(Lech Walesa the head of a trade union called SOLIDARITY)
Lech Walesa
The Leader of "Solidarity" was Lech Walesa. he was born in 29 September 1943 and president of Poland
Solidarity movement was outlawed on December 13, 1989.
in Poland?
The Solidarity trade union in Poland was founded by Lech WaΕesa in 1980. He served as the leader of the movement that played a critical role in bringing an end to Communist rule in Poland.
solidarity is outlawed in Poland.
Lech Walensa
In 1981 General Jaruzelski ( dictator and leader of Communist party) declered martial law ,Solidarity was banned and its leaders arrested.(Lech Walesa the head of a trade union called SOLIDARITY)
i think it has something to do with Poland.
independent workers' labor union