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They were given a large portion of land surrounding the Hudson bay. The land was called "Ruperts Land". Since the HBC owned the land they had an monopoly of its buisness.

Monopoly-complete control(only people aloud to buy and sell furs there)

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Q: Why did HBC have an advantage over the NWC geographical wise?
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What geographical advantage did the HBC have over the NWC?

The HBC had a large portion of land by the Hudson Bay. This made it way easier to transport goods back and forth. The NWC, on the other hand, had all of the land which is now Quebec. They took difficult routes that were more time consuming. It would also take more time for the ships to arrive from Europe. Hope this helps :)

Who established the HBC?

The HBC was founded on 2 May 1670 when King Charles granted a charter to his cousin Prince Rupert and his associates.

Who was more successful and why HBC or NWC?

HBC mainly in economics , the sea route to the Hudson , was a huge advantage it enabled HBC to benefit from a short business cycle ships could leave England and travel to the Hudson bay pick up furs and return to England in the space of 5 months a complete business cycle - from shipment of goods to return of furs in payment of those goods , normally took 14 months , as for he NWC's cycle was much longer and more expensive and it would take almost a full year later

Was HBC a part of the fur trade?

Yes, HBC, or the Hudson's Bay Company, was apart of the fur trade. In fact they are still around nowadays as "The Bay".

How did the fur traders effect the land in the Midwest?

At first it prevented western migration into what is today Western Canada. This was due to the Hudson Bay Company who had a business model that used locals, aboriginals, to do the trapping. The HBC found it profitable to have the aboriginals lead a traditional lifestyle and bring furs to the Ocean coasts in Manitoba and along the Hudson Bay. Since HBC owned most of what is today Canada they were able to prevent people from moving West but only for a while. Canadians from the East began to trade directly with the aboriginals by using lakes, rivers and over land routes to intercept furs headed to the ocean and the HBC. HBC responded by expanding inland and with that expansion came more people and the cities that would become major centres of immigration in the 19th and 20th centuries.

Related questions

What geographical advantage did the HBC have over the NWC?

The HBC had a large portion of land by the Hudson Bay. This made it way easier to transport goods back and forth. The NWC, on the other hand, had all of the land which is now Quebec. They took difficult routes that were more time consuming. It would also take more time for the ships to arrive from Europe. Hope this helps :)

How did the old hbc retain control over the new hbc after the merger with the nwc?

HBC kept control by controlling the trade routes, which brought a lot of money into the HBC.

When the hbc and the nwc merged why did they keep the hbc's name?

Because HBC was the more powerful one, either way it's now called "The Bay."

Why did the NWC and the HBC merge?

the hbc had alot of hot women and the nwc thought if they merged witht he hbc thy could maybe have some sexy time

Who owns the the HBC?

The initials HBC usually means, in Canada, the Hudson's Bay Company.

When was HBC opened?

HBC (The Hudson's Bay Company) was founded in 1670 by King Charles II.

Who are the owners of hbc?

The initials HBC usually means, in Canada, the Hudson's Bay Company.

Why is HBC important?


What does hbc sell today?

Hbc, sell anything from clothes, dishes, bedding, curtain and much much more

What did the HBC and the NWC do in the 1821?


Who established the HBC?

The HBC was founded on 2 May 1670 when King Charles granted a charter to his cousin Prince Rupert and his associates.

Who was more successful and why HBC or NWC?

HBC mainly in economics , the sea route to the Hudson , was a huge advantage it enabled HBC to benefit from a short business cycle ships could leave England and travel to the Hudson bay pick up furs and return to England in the space of 5 months a complete business cycle - from shipment of goods to return of furs in payment of those goods , normally took 14 months , as for he NWC's cycle was much longer and more expensive and it would take almost a full year later